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- - chapter twenty five - - nothing to say

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- - chapter twenty five - -
nothing to say

A few days had passed since the breakup and Indigo hadn't heard anything from George. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hear from him, not after what she had found out. He was the first person that she had trusted and opened up to but he lied to her and had another relationship behind her back. She didn't leave her flat for days, crying in her bed and watching reruns of her favourite movies to try and take her mind off the heartbreak that she was feeling. Just when she thought that her life couldn't get any worse, she received a very angry phone call from her mother who demanded that she come to visit them because the gala was coming up very soon and she wanted to ensure that everything was ready. She wanted to know that the correct flowers had been ordered, that Indigo had a dress to wear and that everything was going to run smoothly so that they could easily win the next set of elections. It was the only thing Polly Parker cared about, her public image and there was no way that she was letting her daughter ruin things this year.

"This isn't the first time that I've had to remind you to visit us, Indigo." Polly said, sitting next to the fireplace and not looking up from her magazine because she knew who had walked through the door. "What have you been up to?"

"I've been busy. The shop-"

"The shop hasn't been open for weeks. You haven't been taking orders, you're never there." She put down her magazine and stared at her daughter menacingly, not wanting to mess around anymore because this was serious. "Don't lie to me anymore, I want to know the truth."

Indigo wondered whether she would get away with lying again but her mother was a witch, she could have some kind of sixth sense about when someone was lying. So, she took a deep breath and admitted something that she had been hiding for months from everyone. "I've been learning about the wizarding world."

"Why on earth would you do something like that?" Polly complained, running her hands through her hair and trying to calm herself down so that she didn't say or do something that she would regret. "I tried so hard to keep you from learning about it-"

"You didn't tell me the truth."

"The truth is dangerous, magic is dangerous."

"You are dangerous!" Indigo blurted out; her eyes frantic as she was finally letting out the rage that had been growing inside of her for the last few days. Everything that had been bottling up with finding her father, learning about her mother's lies and now George cheating on her. It had hit the surface and she could do nothing but shout at her mother for everything she had put her through.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady, not in my own house."

Indigo paused, taking the chance to calm herself down and take a deep breath. She knew that this conversation needed to happen, even if it wasn't going to end well, she needed to come clean otherwise she would always regret not telling her the truth. This was the only chance that she was going to have to come clean to her mother and that was why she needed to do it, no regrets. "I talked to Jaspar."

"W-What?" Polly's voice wavered, not expecting to hear that.

"Charlie Weasley knew him, they work together in Romania and I went there. I met him and he told me everything. He told me that you were both Death Eaters and then you had an affair and abandoned him. He didn't abandon us. You lied."

She narrowed her eyes at her daughter, standing up from her seat and pointing her finger warningly. "I did everything to protect you."

"Protect me? You ruined my life."

"Don't be so dramatic." Polly seethed, shaking her head.

"You told me for years that it was my fault he left. That he hated me because I was a squib but it was you." She frowned, saying everything that was on her mind. "You were the one who hated me, that was why you tried to replace me with this perfect family you've created."

"I didn't try and replace you!" Polly yelled, her entire body shaking before she took a deep breath and spoke lowly. "Not at first. I wanted you to feel like part of a real family, a muggle family but then you didn't fit in. Not even with people who didn't have magic. I didn't know what to do. You didn't belong with wizards, you didn't belong with muggles, what was I supposed to do?"

"You are supposed to be my mother! You're supposed to love me no matter what I am but instead you lied to me, you insulted me for years and I never said anything."

Polly hated that her own daughter was talking to her in this way, that she had gone behind her back and made all these reckless decisions without her knowing. "This is that stupid boy, he's put these ideas in your head. I warned you to stay away from him."

"We're not even together anymore." Indigo snapped, her voice breaking when she remembered that George wasn't a part of her life anymore and she would never see him again. But she didn't want her mother knowing how broken she was so she quickly lifted her head high. "He isn't making me say or do anything, this was my choice."

"He broke your heart, didn't he? I said that he would and you didn't believe me." She smirked, liking that she was right about something and knowing that this was eating at Indigo, because she hated when her mother was right. "Guess who was right?"

"You don't know what happened."

"I know enough. And I know that if you're anything like me then this won't stop you from attending the gala tomorrow night. One more night of muggle living and then you can do whatever you want."

Indigo listened to her offer but didn't buy it for a second, it seemed very one sided and that wasn't going to work in her favour. "You're lying."

"I'm not. Attend the event and then you can get on with your own life, I'll leave you alone. I'll make up some solo expedition that you want to go on and you can leave." Polly sat back down and wrung her hands over her lap. "How does that sound?"

"All I have to do is attend the gala and then I'm free?" She checked, raising an eyebrow because this deal sounded a lot better than what she was expecting. When she came into the house, she was expecting an argument, not a settlement.

"Exactly, isn't that simple?" Polly offered her hand, a devilish smile on her face.

Shaking her hand firmly, she nodded. "Fine, you have yourself a deal."

a/n: quite a short chapter but there aren't many left 🥺 maybe we could get this book to 1k before the epilogue is published?🤞🏻 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 26/09/21

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