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- - chapter eighteen - - you come and change it all

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- - chapter eighteen - -
you come and change it all

Now that Indigo had taken George on a fieldtrip to her grandmother's house, he felt as though he should repay the favour. Instead of going on the weekend though, he decided that his trip would work better if they went in the week because there would be less people around and less people to avoid. Their lessons had been going well and both were getting more comfortable with the cultures that they had never really understood. But this trip wasn't just to help Indigo learn about the wizarding world, it was also going to be where he admitted his feelings for her. He didn't know whether she would see it coming because they had known each other for months now, but he hoped that she still felt the same way after she admitted that she liked him weeks before. It was nerve-wracking because he had never had to admit his feelings in this way and didn't think that he would ever feel this close to someone after losing Fred. Somehow Indigo had become a very important part of his life and he was very happy to have her around.

He apparated into the flat, thinking that she would hear him and come to find him but after a few minutes of not seeing anyone, he headed down to the shop. The place looked closed because the door was locked and there were no customers but Indigo was behind the desk, checking her notes and talking to someone on the phone. She was supposed to be working, he had planned the entire conversation because he was going to close the shop himself and then apparate them both to his surprise. But this confused him, somehow Indigo wasn't working the floor and that was something that never happened. She loved to work, so, why wasn't she working now? He leaned over her and pulled the plug out so that the phone was disconnected and she immediately jumped up, not happy that someone had interrupted her when she was working on something but frowned when she realised that it was him. "What's going on?"

"I'm taking you out." He answered, grabbing her arm and dragging her out from behind the desk.

"George, I can't." She ripped her arm out of his grip and placed her hands on her hips. "I have so much to do. Mum dropped off a list of flowers that she needs for the gala and they're not even in season yet-"

"Indigo. I'm taking you out. So, stop faffing around and get over here." He said sternly, gesturing her to hurry up and join him; she hadn't seen him so serious before and so, she rushed over to him.

"Where are we going?"

He smirked, shaking his head as he held out his hand but she just stared at him judgingly. "I can't tell you that."

"If you're making me stop working then you have to tell me where we're going."

"It'll ruin the surprise."

"Good, I don't like surprises." She retorted, wanting to know where she was going because she didn't like being pulled around without knowing. She needed to know why she was missing work so that she could decide whether it was a good idea to leave the shop or not. Especially with her mother on her back about everything, not only the flowers for the gala but also her dress and her date, which she hadn't mentioned was George.

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