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- - chapter twenty three - - wrapped in your arms

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- - chapter twenty three - -
wrapped in your arms

Spending another day in Hogsmeade with George, Indigo had apologised for having to end the trip early because she needed to sort out some of the arrangements for the upcoming gala. She had her mother calling her constantly, wanting to check on the order and make sure that everything was perfect for her big night and George knew how much stress his girlfriend was under; he promised to pick her up that night and take her somewhere really special. She had no idea what that meant because she didn't know what to expect when it came to George's surprises; they could be going anywhere in the world. All she could hope was that it would be a good enough distraction so that she didn't have to think about her mother and the upcoming gala which was the only thing she was thinking about. Waiting for the biggest dreaded night of the year and knowing that somehow, she was going to be humiliated; the only good thing about it was having George with her.

What she wasn't expecting when she walked into her flat, was that her mother was already waiting for her. Polly had gotten into the shop with her spare key and had found the place empty. Not knowing when her daughter would return, she had done some digging because there was something different about Indigo and she wanted to find out. She went through the wardrobe but nothing looked unusual, she went through the bathroom cupboards and even opened up notebooks which Indigo had written in. but only found notes about the flower's downstairs and any orders that she needed to get completed ASAP; boring things which didn't tell Polly anything about what secrets her daughter was hiding. Just when she thought maybe she was overreacting, she entered the kitchen and looked for something to drink; hoping that there was coffee in the cupboard but instead she found something that scared her. It had been years since she had seen packaging like this and had never thought she would see it again, definitely not in her daughters' home but she was wrong.

Indigo pushed open the front door and stopped in the doorway, spotting her mother in the middle of the room, holding the box of Bertie Botts: every flavour bean in her hands. Her expression was serious, concerned and not happy with the secrets that they were keeping between each other. "When were you going to tell me that you've been to Hogsmeade?"

"Mum, what are you doing here?" She questioned, not answering the question that had been thrown to her but bustling through the door and heading towards the bedroom.

"I need to talk to you."

She sighed, dropping her handbag on the edge of the bed and opening her wardrobe to grab a jacket which would keep her warm for whatever adventure she was going on with George that evening. Her plan had been to get some work done before meeting up with George but now that her mother had stormed into the flat, she was hurrying to get away from her as soon as possible. "Sorry, I don't have time right now."

"Indigo, where are you going?"

"Out." She replied, stroking Basil behind the ears and making her way over to the front door so that she could leave. Somehow, she was going to track down George in the town and then they would do whatever he had planned for the evening but a few hours sooner. She tried to think of where she could contact him and realised that the only way, would be to walk to the Burrow, if she remembered the directions. It wasn't going to be an easy journey but it was one hundred times better than staying in the flat and spending time with her own mother, who was either going to complain about her boyfriend or complain about the gala.

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