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- - chapter twenty seven - - led me right to you

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- - chapter twenty seven - -
led me right to you

Attending a charity gala completely alone wasn't the best way to experience the evening and as soon as she walked through the door, Indigo regretted her choice to come in alone. Everyone was staring at her, whispering as she made her way through the crowd and judging her because of what she was wearing and because she had come alone. No one ever came to these things alone. Any other time that she had come to a party, she had been partnered with her brother but this year their parents wanted them to each bring a date. James had brought the daughter of the minister, even though he would have preferred to have his own choice because although his date was lovely, she was far from what his heart wanted. He didn't argue though, James was more sensible than Indigo, he knew that his parents would react negatively if he told them the truth and that was why he was following along with their plans; even if he was living a lie. People parted like the red sea as Indigo walked down the centre of the ballroom, admiring the decorations that had been hung and the flower displays which she had created for the night.

The ballroom was large, with rounded tables around the outer edge of the room and a large space in the middle which would be used as the dancefloor when the musician began. Right now, the centre was just being used for people to make small talk and sip their champagne glasses which had been offered to every guest that was attending. The flowers that she had chosen to sit in the vases worked well with the light colour scheme, something that she didn't expect her mother to arrange because all she could see when she looked at Polly Parker, was darkness. She suited the colour green but she pretended that she was someone else when it came to the community; because she had an image to uphold and that was why she was getting rid of Indigo, because she ruined the perfect image. Running her fingers down her dress, Indigo felt very out of place as she stood in the middle of the room and wondered why she hadn't been singled out by anyone. All of the guests knew who she was and yet they were avoiding having to speak to her; it was unnerving and made her more anxious than she already was. She turned, ready to run behind one of the long curtains and stay there for the rest of the night when she bumped into someone.

Before she could apologise, the person spoke to her. "Nice to see that you could make it."

"James?" Indigo sighed in relief, never being so happy than to see her brother because she was more than worried that she had bumped into someone important and if she ruined this night then she would never get away from her mother. She put her hand over her heart, hoping to calm it down slightly. "You scared me."

"I'm guessing that you're trying to avoid your mother? Don't worry, she's yelling at the caterer, apparently they used the wrong caviar for the platters."

She nodded, picturing her mother yelling at someone who was just doing their job, they were the caterers, they knew how to prepare food but it was her evening and she was sure that she knew better than everyone else. That was why she had bugged Indigo so many times over the flowers, even though her daughter was a florist, she was more than sure that she knew what colours and what flowers looked the best. Because of that, Polly had ordered flowers that weren't even in season and were much harder to get hold of because they weren't supposed to blossom. "Of course, they did. As long as I'm not on the receiving end of her yells then I might get through this evening."

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