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- - chapter twenty four - -the dead of night

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- - chapter twenty four - -
the dead of night

The afternoon had reached a gloomy stage as the couple left the cemetery but George didn't want it to be that way, he knew that Fred would have never forgiven him if he had lived his life, constantly grieving. Especially when he had found someone that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, someone that made him happy, someone special. So, instead of returning her home where they wondered that her mother could be waiting, he decided that he was going to continue being vulnerable and open himself up a bit more with her. He didn't tell her where they were going, she assumed that they were going to Hogsmeade but when they apparated into a new street which she didn't recognise, she wondered what was going on. George put his wand into his back pocket and squeezed the hand that was holding onto her; her entire expression was confused as she glanced around at the empty street. "This isn't Hogsmeade."

"No, this is Diagon Alley."

"What are we doing here?" She questioned, her eyes furrowing as she tried to work out what they could be doing in this place when they had never been there before.

"You said that you wanted to see the shop, right?" He asked and she stared up at him, eyes shining in the streetlight then he turned her to face the shop that was at the end of the street and pointed. "Well, there it is."

Immediately, her eyes widened and she gasped at the shop. Out of everything that she could have imagined, this was beyond her expectations, the shop looked more magical and brighter than any other shop that she had ever seen and it was more vibrant than any other shop on the street. No wonder business was good for him, his shop was the only inviting one to go into. "Oh my God! This is amazing!"

The red painted building was just what Indigo had imagined and the statue above the door, looked remarkably like George, topping his hat to the customers and revealing a white rabbit underneath. The street was empty because it was later in the day and the shops were closed but Verity had kept her promise and had kept the shop open for the owner so that he could show off to his girlfriend. The window decorations were lit up, things inside whizzing around and advertising different offers that were on the products and Indigo felt like a kid on Christmas as George unlocked the door for her. Inside and the shop seemed ten times bigger than it did on the outside, there were rows of different products with things hanging from the ceilings and items that were basically jumping off the shelves for her to see. She didn't know what to look at first and George was more than happy to see her so excited, it was the same reaction that she had when visiting Hogsmeade for the first time but this felt more personal because this was his shop.

"So, this is your shop?" Indigo asked as George locked the door behind them and she read the sign that was above the counter. "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?"

"Like the name?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her, coming to stand beside her and they both stood in the centre of the shop, looking at the wonders that were on offer.

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