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- - chapter nineteen - - i'd be at every party

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- - chapter nineteen - -
i'd be at every party

As the weeks passed going on trips to Hogsmeade became something that the couple did whenever they had free time and even though there were only a handful of shops in the town, Indigo didn't seem to get bored. She found new things every time that they arrived and the owners remembered her name after she visited them so often. She loved going into Zonko's with George, taking some of the trinkets away with her so that she could try them out on the Weasley's which he loved to see. Their favourite target was Ron because of his reactions to every prank they pulled; he wasn't too happy about being the target but was glad that George was back to his pranking ways, something that none of them had thought possible when they lost Fred. Her favourite shop had to be Honeydukes and she was making it her mission to try every single item that they had, ensuring that she hid whatever she took home because if her mother found out that she was a part of the wizarding world somehow then everything would go wrong.

As they finished their usual rounds of the shops, even trying the less popular shops like Dervish & Banges where George bought a sneakoscope for Indigo and the Quill shop where he bought her a nice quill which she could use to add something special to her bouquets in the shop. The quill instantly made your handwriting look fancy and it was something that she could use to write gift tags and special cards for when customers bought bouquets for particular events. Of course, George had joked that the sneakoscope would alert her whenever her mother was coming because it detected when your enemy was coming. Something that he was shoved in the shoulder for saying, even though they both knew that it was true. George led her into the Three Broomsticks but as they got closer to their usual booth, Indigo was surprised to see someone else had already sat down.

"Indie, come on, there's someone I want you to meet."

She looked up, noticing that George seemed to be expecting someone in the booth and that confused her, they had never met up with anyone in the town before because it was too dangerous. If anyone found out that she was a muggle then George could get into trouble for bringing her there and that was what they were trying to avoid. "What's going on?"

"This is my older brother, Charlie. Charlie, this is Indigo, my-"

"Your girlfriend?" Charlie interrupted, surprised that the girl was real and having the same reaction as the rest of the family. When George mentioned a girlfriend, he was sure that someone was playing a prank on him and yet, here he was, holding hands with a beautiful girl and he was shocked. "How an earth did you bag this one, mate?"

George rolled his eyes at his older brother, ready for the teasing to begin because that was what he had gotten growing up. "Haha, very funny. Charlie's the one who works with dragons in Romania."

Charlie Weasley was sat in the booth that they had claimed as their own and already had a glass of butterbeer in front of him. His red hair was just as bright as the rest of the Weasley family, he seemed shorter than his brothers and his skin was tanned, dotted with freckles. He was just as Indigo had imagined him because she expected that he would have freckles like the other members of his family but his build was different and he was weathered from his job outside. She knew that he worked with dragons in Romania and wondered if she would ever meet him because according to George, he loved his job more than anything else and George believed that was something the two had in common. For Indigo was also obsessed with work and despite how different their careers were, they had their devotion in common.

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