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- - chapter twenty six - - all of my wrongs

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- - chapter twenty six - -
all of my wrongs

The night of the gala had finally approached and it was a cold December night. As much as George wanted to pretend that he was okay, he really wasn't because he had just lost the most important person in the world and he didn't know how he was going to get her back. He knew that Fred would have smacked him across the face if he had known what was happening, shouting at him about letting the love of his life walk out of his life and he couldn't believe that things had changed so quickly. One minute he was spending time with the girl of his dreams, the only person that he had been vulnerable around and the only person that he trusted with his feelings and then his ex-girlfriend showed up, made up a massive lie and he lost the only person that he truly cared about. He was kicking himself; he should have fought harder for her but now he had lost her and he didn't know whether he would ever see her again.

He had spent weeks locked away in the flat, only going downstairs to do the odd shift when Varity couldn't make it but other than that, he didn't feel like going anywhere. He didn't visit his parents, he didn't talk to his brothers or Ginny, he shut himself away. They didn't try and reach out to him, thinking that he was just struggling with grief like he had before and thinking that he needed space. What they didn't realise was that he was struggling with a breakup and he felt just as broken as when he had lost Fred. After not hearing from their son, not even by letter, Molly decided that enough was enough and she headed over to his flat. She knew that he was supposed to be at the gala with Indigo and while he was gone, she was going to deep clean his flat; wanting things to be squeaky clean because it always became a mess when he moped around. What she wasn't expecting was to find her son sat on the sofa, watching a muggle film in his underwear.

"Mum?" He questioned, seeing her and quickly grabbed a pillow to cover his slightly naked half. "What are you doing here?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, pointing an accusing finger and fired the question back at him because he wasn't supposed to be in the flat. "What are you doing here? I thought you were attending the gala with Indigo?"

"We broke up." He said solemnly, digging his hand into the box of sweets that he had purchased from Honeydukes and wallowed in his sadness. Not even a trip to Hogsmeade cheered him up because everything reminded him of Indigo, in his own shop, everything reminded him of her; everywhere he went, it was like it was a lasting reminder of what he had lost. It was worse when the owner of Honeydukes asked where she was and he just had to smile like it was no big deal, making up an excuse that she was working and then leaving before he could burst into tears.

"What?" Molly's shrill tone brought him out of his thoughts and she became angrier than he had ever seen her before. She was angrier than when she found out his life ambition was to own a joke shop, even angrier than when Ron stole the flying car in his second year, it was terrifying to be on the receiving end but he knew that he deserved it. It was his mistake that caused them to break up. "George Weasley, you best be messing around. This better be a prank."

"Angelina showed up at the flat. I didn't even get the chance to tell Indie the truth, she disappeared and I haven't seen her since."

"Alright, move over, time for some tough love." She dropped onto the sofa next to him and her voice wavered as she spoke from the heart. "When Fred died, I didn't know whether I had lost one of my sons or two of them."


"No, let me finish. You were depressed, Georgie and none of us could help you. I wrote those lists just to get you out of the house, I never imagined that you would fall in love. Indigo is a smart girl, kind and loving, you hurt her somehow but that doesn't mean that she doesn't love you. Whatever you did, or didn't do, you can fix this but you're not getting anything done sulking in your underwear."

George shook his head, knowing that things were past that stage and she wouldn't listen to him, no matter what he said. Even if he was telling the truth, it was too late for them. "She couldn't even look at me, why would she listen to me?"

"Because she loves you. If you're telling the truth then she'll listen. But you have to be honest with her, promise me that you'll be honest?"

"I'll try." He nodded, his voice quiet as he thought about exactly what he would say to her when he saw her, wondering if he would even be able to get any words out.

"No." Molly slapped the back of his head and he complained, rubbing the spot. "You won't try, you are going to be honest with her. She's part of the family, Georgie, you need to bring her back."

George shook his head, believing that the deed was done and he had messed up so badly that there was no recovering from this. "She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you; men are just really bad at understanding feelings. Have you ended things with Angelina?"

George thought about Angelina. She had been nice enough when she was dating Fred, always polite to George when they went out together but she had always been possessive over her boyfriend. She didn't like that the twins spent every waking moment together and that was why their relationship never really took off. Fred didn't want something long term, he was happy with his quiet life as a shop owner and spent late nights designing new pranking items. Not spending time with his girlfriend. George never expected to date Angelina when his brother died but they were both grieving and thought that it would help if they had someone to share grief with. It didn't last long and then George met Indigo, someone that he really cared about and someone that really cared about him too. She didn't care about what his results were for his O.W.L's, she didn't care what position his family were in and she didn't care what his hobbies were. She enjoyed his company, she laughed at his jokes and she listened to him.

That was the kind of person that he needed, and he had ruined it. Now that things were officially over with Angelina and she was out of his life, he knew that he needed to win back Indigo and luckily, he knew exactly where she was going to be that night. He didn't know if his name would still be on the list to get in but as a wizard, there was always an answer with magic if anything went wrong. "Yes, completely now, she won't think that we're together anymore. She'll leave me alone."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Molly started to grin, her eyes resting on the black suit that hung on the back of the door and George followed her gaze, remembering when he picked out the suit with the help of Indigo. He wore suits for work but she reminded him that this was a charity event and everything needed to be perfect, no room for brightly coloured suits because that would draw unwanted attention on them. Molly licked her finger and wiped his cheek where he had stained food left there, then she patted his shoulder. "Don't just sit here and pout, put that suit on and win her back!"

a/n: sorry there was a delay with updates but i've been working all week & then i went up to uni 😬 things went really wrong the entire day & i spent the entire day in bed yesterday, throwing up 🥴 it wasn't the best experience & i'm not looking forward to going again this week 🥺 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 02/10/21

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