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- - chapter ten - -couldn't get enough

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- - chapter ten - -
couldn't get enough

The young adults were getting closer as the days continued and instead of just visiting on a Monday to collect an ordered bouquet of flowers; George had been visiting every day, ensuring that Indigo took a full hour for lunch and spent it with him. They talked about random topics, making sure that their conversations remained light but even then, he would slip into stories about Fred which was making him less upset. The recollection of stories to his new friend was helping him with his grieving, and it helped that Indigo was obviously very interested and found his stories hilarious. She'd hate interrupting him but sometimes needed reminding who certain people were in the stories or if it was something to do with their legendary pranks, then she'd need reminding of what each product did. George hadn't told her about his occupation yet, he was waiting for the right time because when he told her, he was desperate to show her the shop and see how amazed she would find the magic.

But right now, they had other things to think about and the main one was the upcoming family dinner night which Indigo had finally agreed to attend, she had found out more about his family and George had been excited to tell her as much as possible about the wizarding world. Ignoring the curiosity that he had, wondering how she had known basics about magic before they met. He knew that when she was ready to tell him, that she would and until then he was fine just enjoying spending time with her and having his mind taken off all of the mourning that he would have been doing if Indigo hadn't come into his life. He could hardly imagine what his life would be like if he hadn't run the errand for his mum and stepped into the florist, if he hadn't met Indigo then things would be very different; he still would be refusing to see his family and he would be in the first stage of mourning; instead of learning to accept what had happened and move forward.

He had decided to visit his parents at the Burrow that evening, closing up the shop and then using the Floo Network to arrive in their own fireplace. This was the method that he hadn't shown Indigo yet, not trusting her with the names of things because he was worried that she would do what Harry had done on his first go and say the wrong name; then they would never be able to find her. Instead, he had explained transport such as broomsticks and apparating; even mentioning the magic car that his family had owned and she was desperate to see something like that because she had never seen anything like it before. He was sure that his family would love the girl that he brought home, because there wasn't anything not to like; he knew that his mum already approved of her as she was desperate to meet her and his dad would want to know every single detail about growing up as a muggle.

Stepping into the Burrow brought back hundreds of memories because this had been his home ever since he was born and he both loved and resented the thoughts that he had. He loved the fact that his house was so warm and inviting, somewhere that anyone could feel safe because that was the way it had been designed but he hated the fact that everywhere he looked, he was reminded that Fred was no longer by his side. Sure, he was getting better at dealing with the realisation but it still hurt to be in their home, without him. There were still photos of the whole family everywhere and belongings which they had never taken with them to their flat; things that he had taken for granted and now made him more emotional than he would have liked. A shoe flying through the air almost knocked him over and forced him out of his daydream so that he wouldn't get attacked unknowingly.

"George?" Ginny asked, stopping herself from throwing another shoe because she was genuinely shocked to see her brother stood in the middle of the kitchen.

It seemed that George had interrupted some kind of playful fight between the younger members of the family who had arrived slightly earlier than usual for the big family dinner. Both Ginny and Hermione had come back a day earlier from Hogwarts, as they were completing their final year and Harry and Ron had finished their Auror training for the day. The four of them were more than shocked to see him stood in front of them, because they had no idea that George had been here since the funeral. They all knew that he had opened up the shop because Ron had been helping him but this was just as big of a step because this was where they had grown up together and now, he was stood as though nothing was wrong. Hermione had been thrown over Ron's shoulder but he lowered her to the ground as soon as they realised what was happening and Harry uncovered his face once he knew that the attack had been prolonged.

"George!" Molly ran into the kitchen from the den, her arms open wide as she tackled her son into a firm embrace; slightly confused as to why he was visiting a day earlier than the planned dinner. "What are you doing here?"

When she pulled back, he straightened his tie and jacket, making sure that he looked presentable. "I have some news."

"Oh god, don't tell me your girlfriend's pregnant!" Ron scowled, rolling his eyes.

"Ronald! If she is then that's good news. Of course, they're a little young and haven't known each other for long but it's good news." Molly had scolded her youngest son for his comment but a part of her worried about the truth and turned back to George, lowering her voice. "She isn't pregnant, is she?"

"No!" George looked towards his siblings and made sure they could see that he was serious. "I just wanted to let you know that she's coming over for dinner tomorrow night."

Molly made a delighted noise and covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh! That's incredible news! Oh, that's brilliant!"

"Sorry, since when did George get a girlfriend?" Ginny questioned, feeling slightly overprotective of her brother since the incident and not wanting him to get used by whoever this girl was.

"I've been giving him an errand list every week, one of the errands was to pick up flowers for Fred and whilst he collected them, he met a girl-"

"The hot florist?" Ron gaped but winced when Hermione slapped the back of his head, he rubbed the spot where she had hit him and ignored the glare that he was receiving. "I didn't know you were together."

"Well, we are and she's coming tomorrow night."

The others in the room were taken aback by how normal George was being, this was the first time in months that they had heard him speak and he was more excited about this than anything in a long time. They were both confused at how normal he was being but also glad that he was moving on from the state that he had been in when the incident first happened. All they could hope was for this to be real, otherwise they'd have to watch him go through another heartbreak all over again and they weren't ready for that.

"So, does this florist have a name?" Harry asked, turning the attention back to the guest of honour.

"She does." George smirked, already deciding that he was excited about the next day, something he wasn't expecting. "But you'll have to wait and ask her yourself."

a/n: only a short filler chapter but big things are happening! my birthday ended up being really great so thank god 😅 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 26/08/21

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