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- - chapter four - -someone

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- - chapter four - -

It became almost like second nature for George to do the errands for his mum every week, feeling slightly excited when it was written on the note to pick up flowers from the florist. Even though he spent most of the time inside, arguing with the girl about how to pay and how he didn't want to talk to her; it was almost thrilling. He hadn't spoken to anyone in such a long time, he didn't want to talk to anyone but for some reason, something was pulling him back to this girl. She was interesting, the things that she said made him really think about things that he hadn't thought about in a long time. This girl was taking his mind off the loss of his brother and he didn't mind, it was nice to think about something else for a change and the best part was, she had no idea who he was. He could continue being the rude stranger who picks up flowers for his mother and the girl wouldn't have a clue who she was actually talking to.

"Here for the list?" Arthur asked from behind his newspaper when George stepped into the Burrow on Monday morning, the same routine that he had been doing for several weeks now. "Your mother is just finishing it, take a seat."

"Is something wrong?" George asked as he took a seat at the long table next to his father, not used to seeing him this serious and not prepared for a big discussion so early in the morning.

"Nothing, I just wanted to check how you were doing." He put the newspaper down so that he could watch his son and carefully choosing how he worded his sentence. "You seem happier these days, anything you need to tell me?"


"Come on, your mother isn't here and I can see how taken you are with something." He nudged his son with a devilish smile on his face, one that all of his children inherited. "What's her name?"


Luckily George didn't have to worry about being harassed by his father anymore as at that moment his mother walked into the kitchen, the note in her hands as this had become part of their routine. She would give him a list of errands, he would check the list, get excited when it said to collect the flowers and then he would act rude and cold to the florist; whilst also trying not to show how much he was liking the attention from her. He didn't know why, still not working out his feelings, but all he knew was that she made his day a little bit brighter and he needed that. For some reason, no matter how cold or disrespectful he was to her; she was always kind and had a wide smile on her face. Maybe she was only doing it because he was a customer, but either way, it felt nice to tease her; reminded him of the pranks and jokes he used to pull with Fred. It was something taking his mind off the loss of his brother and he was latching onto it for as long as possible.

"Oh, and before I forget, there's a slight change of plans with the florist..." Molly began and George felt his heart drop to his stomach, was his Mum not going to purchase them anymore? Did the girl suddenly close her business? He didn't want to know the answer because the outcomes were all the same, he would never see her again and he didn't know why he was so upset with that feeling. "I haven't had the chance to order them this week, which means you'll have to pick which ones will go in the bouquet."

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