So I'm gonna be a senior next year which is terrifying because I made this account when I was in seventh grade. Oh my god I'm so old.
Anyways I remember being a freshman and just being a giant ball of anxiety. I also remember watching a bunch of YouTube videos on freshman advice and other random things about school mainly cuz I was bored. Now that I'm a senior I thought I'd make a chapter about it even if only one person will see it.
1.) Being Organized
Alright this applies for plenty of things but in the context of school organization is a very driven point. While this is true you should be organized you should also be EFFICIENT. YOU DON'T NEED 20 BINDERS AND FOLDERS WITH A PLANNER A BULLET JOURNAL AND 3 FIVE SUBJECT NOTE BOOKS. Literally save yourself the time and space and try to use as few things as possible. At my school we have lockers which sounds very nice but is one of the worst ideas ever made because I have 4 minutes to get from class to class. You will not have time to stop at your locker after every period. Last school year I literally only had 3 folders I used for the whole year. In freshman year I used a binder for each class. In 10th grade I combined some of my classes into binders. And last year I just used folders. At the rate I'm going I'm just gonna end up throwing papers in my bag without folders binders or anything.
Also don't buy your supplies or all of them right away. Wait until your first day of school and your teachers will usually hand out a syllabus or something similar to it. Then you can go get your supplies. Just remember you can only carry so many items.
2.) Joining Clubs and other activities
This section is targeted at those generally anxious or socially anxious people out there. What's up fam.
Anyways for y'all clubs and activities are something I see recommended everywhere. Nearly everyone says to join as many as possible to just try it out but that stuff can be overwhelming. Try to do one thing out of your comfort but never push yourself to a point of feeling overwhelmed. I'm a senior and the only thing I'm apart of has been orchestra. Literally nothing else. No sports, no clubs, just that one thing. Now in general you should try to join things that interest you and actually participate in it, such as any art club things, or sports, but also don't beat yourself up over not being able to. You don't need to join a club to a "full" highschool experience.
3.) The highschool experience is a lie
Highschool musical and all other movies and shows have lied to you. The highschool experience is literally just going to highschool. It's not dances, it's not the friends we made along the way, or the awards we worked so hard for, it's the attending of school whatever that may be. Highschool will be different for every single person. Now my main target for this is the more introverted and quiet people out there so maybe you will have a loud and eventful experience but many of us will not. And that's okay. If all you do is relax and drift through school then that's the right way to live. If you work your ass off and get top ranked then that's right for you. Anything you do is the right thing to do so don't worry about missing out on anything. Don't be sad over any fomo.
4.) No one knows where their classes are
On the first day every makes fun of the freshman for not knowing where to go but in reality, everyone gets lost at some point. The only reason freshman are made fun of is because of the visible panic you see from them. It is very funny to watch but just know everyone has gone through it. Just ask for help. You can ask a teacher or random upperclassman chances are you'll be given good directions. I have a good first day story about getting lost but that's for next chapter.
YOU NEED AT LEAST 6 HOURS OF SLEEP. REALLY IT SHOULD BE 8 BUT I CAN COMPRISE. It is not a competition to see who can be the most sleep deprived. People who go around just "I only got foooooouuur hours of sleep last night. I am soooooo tired" are just not fun people. Even worse will be the person after them to one up them with "welllll I only got two hours of sleep last night. I'm the real tired person here" like just shut up. It's like I'm listening to my mom tell me about how I can't have a hard day ever because I've never had to give birth to two ungrateful bastards. You will be a much happier person if you get the right amount of sleep, trust me on this.
6.) No one cares
You can tell the difference between each grade because the higher the grade the more defeated someone will look. And that's because by the time you're a senior no one will care anymore. Already in freshman year only assholes care about petty things such as looks or grades even. Just do the best you can. Also don't worry about looking stupid or asking stupid questions. It is impossible to look out of place if you convince yourself you belong where you are. The only people who look out of place are the ones who are worried about looking out of place. The best advice for this is to just walk through life. Doesn't matter if confidence is real or not just go through like you own the place.
Now for the end I'd like to give some advice an old friend once gave me that has stuck for some reason. "The original is always worth more than the copy" which isn't the exact quote but it's true.
Also feel free to ask any specific or weird questions :3
*Pulls a homer Simpson and slowly backs away into a bush*
The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.