So I was just going through my first Weird thoughts of an Aquarius book and I found a chapter a wrote awhile ago. And it was never published because I was on break from writing and there's actually a lot of chapters like. I won't ever publish them because they make references to past things I'd rather forget but it's still interesting how
every single stage I named holds up to this day I wrote that chapter the summer before Freshman year. I swear I never change.
Anyways I'm gonna remake it so people can actually see it this time.
Stage 1: Accepting Summer
This starts the day after I finish school and ends within a week or two after school ends.It's hard for me to transition into summer break because of how jarring it is. Normally I need a good week or two to adjust and not feel constantly stressed. The first time I made this chapter I mentioned getting exam scores meant the end of this phase but I literally haven't taken any normal exams since freshman year so that no longer applies. It just ends when it ends so it blends with the next phase.
Stage 2: Laziness
Starts in the beginning of July and ends around the end of July.This stage is defined by the fact I do absolutely nothing. I straight up lay around the house watching YouTube, Twitch, Tik Tok, Netflix and everything else. I don't go outside, I don't do any hobby thing, I just sit in bed and vegetate. Before this stage normally ended when I remembered summer work but this year I don't actually have any school work. Instead what replaced it was getting AP scores and the looming beast of applying for colleges.
Stage 3: Procrastination
Begins in mid to late July while it seemingly never ends but for this context it ends around early to mid August. (Also I made the exact same fucking joke about this stage never ending dear god)Anyways this is where I do everything but the thing I wanna do. It doesn't matter what that thing it is I just don't do it. I wanna write? No I draw and watch tik tok. I wanna draw? I write and watch YouTube. I still don't know why I'm like this. I'm still moderately in this stage rn.
Stage 4: Obsessive School Thinking
This begins around the last week of July and can last until around the second or third week of August.Now originally I had this titled as "Preparing" for school but that is just false advertising. It's basically where I start binging school themed videos. Normally sparked by the return of back to school ads or other school related things. This is one of the worst phases but it's something I must go through. Those damn back to school videos and get ready with me's are just too captivating. Especially the ones with giant ass families that have 6+ kids. I'm caving.
Stage 5: The calm before and after the storm along with the storm
Starts when I get my schedule and ends when school starts.Now I actually am combining two stages here. Originally I had an extreme anxiety one and an acceptance one but now I don't go through such anxiety. I still worry about the beginning of school but it's not as bad as it used to be. Now instead it's mainly just waiting anxiously and very impatiently. This will usually end on the last day of summer where I just go numb and ascend into a state of peace. I end up just floating through that last day of summer then I drag my ass to school the next day.
Anyways I only did this one cuz I'm bored. The same reason I did it last time too. Have a good. *Dissolves*

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.