Action Plan

13 1 0

I am da ham wit a plan.

So if y'all remember Gemini Bitch, if I ever mentioned them today they basically asked out my one friend which basically gave her horrid Anxiety so that's not good.

Basically we made a plan to avoid the fck out of them and we have a plan. Future self, I'm not sorry about any drama I cause cuz it's your problem. Basically I'll be in the Library alot more but the library is freaking GREAT. It's like a dream come true but only because becoming hermits in the library seemed great but nah it's for a bad reason now. Meh, fcking people.

Morning was good tho. I got to talk to Aries friend and I wasn't salty for once. Lol my attitude change toward this person is so drastic from the last book to this one.

Oh whale I just wanted to write today. I need more time to draw too. But YouTube, it calls me.

*Is succed into the YouTube black hole*

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