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Aight let's start at the morning. I woke at 9am which is weird cuz normally I sleep till like 11-12. But it's fine I go on my phone and do whatever for an hour or two.

Then my dad gets up and when my mom got up he made us home fries for breakfast. While eating my tasty square fries I got to play Slime Rancher which is free until the end of March on the Epic Games store(you don't need fortnite to download it just the launcher) so I played that. It's such a good game I highly recommend it.

After I decided to sketch some things for practice which helped me hopefully. I got left home alone for a few hours with my sister. Watched YouTube mostly and did my hw(the stuff do on Monday) and that was good.

Now here's were my life really starts improving. My parents came home and after a bit my dad took me ice skating which I really enjoy.

At ice skating I had a good time. I fell 4 times once because some bitch in a purple hoodie came riding up behind me and yeeted into me causing both of us to fall down. Didn't even say sorry. At least the other kid who nearly knocked me down said sorry. Whenever I nearly knocked someone over I say sorry a lot. I say it excessively. 

And today was a friends b-day and since I had no school today(yay for me) I had to give him his present yesterday. So today he too was ice skating and at some point he had come up to me and said "Thanks for the gift yesterday" and I felt so appreciated like er mAh gord someone appreciated my effort I put into my work. Something I'm passionate about and someone liked the result of it.

Afterwards my dad got me a shamrock shake from McDonald's which is a minty milkshake only released around March which is neat.

I got home and played more slime rancher and now I'm here. God it's such a good start to my weekend. I'm loving life and everything in it. No one can put me down rn.

Also Yesterday was good too. I gave my friend the present. Finished my writing assignment. Had a suicide prevention presentation. Hopefully did good on my math and science tests. Plus I got a 60/60 on my writing project, that Romeo and Juliet scene thingy. And on the bus ride home a friendo talked to me and walking home too I talked to my friendos. Then had a good rest of day.

If you're having a bad day come to me and I'll give you my positivity cuz life is loving me and I'm loving life. It's these days that makes life worth it.

Whalep after recalling my entire past two days I'mma fly.

*Flys away as if I were in a Surreal Entertainment video*

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)Where stories live. Discover now