Wtf it's 2020 already goddamn. I haven't updated my books since the last decade y'all. I think I did a summary of 2018 last year but idk. I'll do a summary this year at least.
January was wack af. I think I cried the most during this month out of all of them. For no reason at all too rlly. It was just a meh month.February
This month was my bday month! All my discord friends wished me a happy birthday at exactly 12am and it was nice and rlly good. I think this month I was pretty empty too. Overall not much improvement.March
The only notable thing about March is when I gave my Pisces Friend a little sticky note calendar that went up to October and said whatever weird national day or holiday it was. It was great seeing his reaction and I also went ice skating in this month which was super.April
The thing that sticks out about April is giving my Aries friend a nice bday card that had a pop up narwhal in it. I think this is the month where some toxic people were starting to rlly burn me.May
May was a shit show. It was literally the worst month this year. I left an older group cuz of toxicity and went my merry way, which wasn't merry and was just depressing and nothing was fine.June
In June I finished my first year of highschool and summer began. It was like the calm after the storm where I gathered all my shit for the half way of the year and continued forward with a relatively good look on the future.July
July was the best month. It was summer. It was good. I drew, wasn't 100% exhausted. At some point I reconnected with online friends after a whole bunch of stuff went down. Life was going good. I got invited to a bday party of a kinda friend. My anxiety was finally starting to not control me as much anymore. Life was super awesome.August
August was also great. It was like July but hotter. The fair happened and I went and my anxiety didn't take over the whole time unlike the last time I went. Life, was looking up.September
September, oh September. School started again. This month was spent focusing on just getting used to school again. All energy I had from the Summer disapeared quicker than my good grades did in the second quarter. I was still kicking tho so I had hope.October
Everything about October was empty but Halloween. I can barely remember October and it was basically a week ago like wow. Halloween was great, I went out with friends in a last minute costume so it was fabulous.November
I failed nnn and it was a relatively chill month. I was just, going with the world. School was starting to break my back(physical and emotional) a lil tho so that wasn't fun. Also my energy was nowhere to be seen. Waking up was hell.December
I was still super tired. For Christmas I made tiny Christmas cards. It was a relatively large disappointing reaction from everyone except like, 2 people who actually appreciated them. Christmas was nice, my annoying ass uncle wasnt there and I got lots of narwhal and art things so I'm happy with that. I'm just tired y'all that's it.(I'm writing this at 2am so I wonder why tf I'm tired, dumbass bitch)So that was my 2019. It was a great improvement from 2018, no anxiety attacks. Less stress. I actually relaxed like wow. For 2020 I just want more energy to do stuff. I'm constantly tired and it's so a n n oyi ng.
Whalep. *Explodes*

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.