So I'm bored and for some reason today I've just had a bunch of weird interactions with online people and I thought I should write about it. Maybe someone will read this and a red flag will pop up for them idk I'm just bored.
So the first story starts in 2017-2018 can't remember the start. A random guy messaged me on Wattpad about how much he likes my one book that is still unfinished and he really liked that one. I talked to him for a bit and he'd start convos with wyd(what you doing) and he did this at really concerning random times so I ended up blocking him because he also had soooo many other red flags like complaining about his terrible home life and being really hateful towards Leo's and others plus clingy. Then fast forward two years later and I see I have votes on my second book that's been on the back burner for so long it has a dust city. This person asks when I'm going to update. Then I get the dm. Wyd. BLOCKING YOU THATS WHAT. So that happened and he also messaged my insta so I blocked him there on all my accounts.
The next weird thing will be shorter and more recent. I was playing Roblox a few weeks ago and this random dude with a really weird username entered and just started leaking IP addresses maybe idk. It was just weird and I just blocked him to make sure I don't see him around anywhere else. Like sir, this is a kids game no one cares post them to the dark web and leave thank you very much.
Now the next is longer and the most recent. When I was first starting out on Wattpad my book had less than 5k reads and this one guy messaged me about how good it was and how he liked Scorpio. I was cool with all that and ngl he was low-key just writing parts of my story for me and I just did it cuz I was gullible and couldn't think for myself like I added wayyyy to many characters in. Eventually one day he just, disapeared. And now fast foward to June of this year and this random girl replies to a comment and they have a pretty nice convo which moves to dms. It looked normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Just two peeps talking I've seen it before. Then the guy(the convo was between a dude and a girl) says something real weird like "looks like we're back to here huh" and that's WEIRD. Then a few days later someone else comments on how they wonder what happened. And I reply, kinda glad someone else didn't. Then it gets weird with the new guy claiming to be the other guys friend and then I check his account. Made July 2nd and from the same country as the very first guy from two years before. And also the dude who deleted his account was a Scorpio. So I say something about him giving off weird vibes and he just says "That just means you are just starting to notice" bruh wtf is going on herrreeeeeee. I just sent 👀 back. And hopefully thats where it ends uwu
Now the last is from today too on Roblox once again. I was playing Flickr(which is basically a game like Mafia or Town of Salem) and I sent a note saying something weird like "ya wanna see a pickle ;)" and the dropped so everyone could see. And this one guy just sprints over and says yes. So we moved to a bathroom and jumped behind a door then left. Then he asks for a vip server and my username and I noped outta that pretty fast cuz I fucking died next anyways so bullet dodged.
Whalep that's been some of my weird online experiences that gave off major red danger flags full of stop stop stop vibes :D
*Straight up cries self out of chapter do to uncomfy*
The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.