Been looking through this and I've saw a few years recaps I did and I wanna do it again but I never did 2020 or 2021 sooooo.
Basically 2020 and 2021 I can no longer remember all to whale besides I was honestly quite miserable with an occasional good break in between the absolute shit storm I was sailing through. But ya girl survived so ayyyyyy.
Gonna be honest can't really remember January and the same goes for February and March. Like I don't know a singular thing I did. Oh in February for my bday I went to a restaurant with two friends and that's all I remember. Not kidding, I have journal entries from the time so it's alright. Oh lots of stress from picking a college and finding out why FAFSA wasn't working(I did eventually fix it)April
Alrighty here's where the juice begins. I had a massive crush on my Aries friend and I decided it was time to tell her. At first I wrote her a poem but I'm a chicken so I encrypted it in a drawing so she couldn't fucking read it. Good job dumbass. I thought I'd be satisfied with just that but I was wrong, I needed actual "closure" not fake stuff.May
So in comes May ready to keep it's track record of being the absolute worst month to month for me for some reason. I've checked and I always have a shit May it's wild. But now I've written her a letter and I have a plan to give it to her. But get this my mom ends up in the hospital(she's okay now stop worrying) and I get insanely sick all during the first week of this wretched month btw. But I pull through and at the end of the week I make it through and manage to give the letter to her which I will never know if she read it or not, I can only assume she did. I took my AP Calc exam and then went to Nashville for a few days on a senior trip for my orchestra. It was an interesting trip where I could really see the difference between my current self and past self.
Now don't get too excited there's somehow more. Like I said awful month. My mom got her diagnosis, and then I got my senior yearbook. Of which I'm not in and when I asked about it, it was somehow my fault? And I've told many people about this and every single person has told me my schools yearbook system is fucked and I got scammed so fuck me I guess that's wonderful.June
So June is here and I got my first job as a dishwasher which was nice and I'm glad I did that. I also had my prom which was actually kinda boring and I saw my Aries friend there and she said I looked pretty that night and that's gonna stick to me till the day I die. Then the next day I took my physics final, the only final I had, and left. I never knew what I got on it and I really don't care. Then the day after(yes it was a busy three days) I went to work then left and 30 minutes later graduated. This is the last time I saw my Aries friend who I wasn't even friends with anymore at this point, I wasn't friends with anyone in highschool anymore, and I gave her a high five without any spoken words being exchanged. That kinda hurts.July
I mostly just worked in July. It was good to have a schedule or just to have things to do during certain days. They had really good food, especially since it was free.August
I worked more but also had to leave for college. I'm so happy I got to leave. I have never been happier and I was so scared my first week during orientation that I was just gonna repeat highschool again. I don't think I will.September
Tbh imma just group September, October, and November together because of how similar they are, but don't think that means I had a bad time. I've never been happier. Living on my own surrounded by new people, people I had more in common with, more than I ever had before, was the greatest feeling I had had for actual years. I've made friends, stepped outside my comfort zone and while I still have fallen into a few bad habits I think I've really got a fighting chance to change them and be a better person and be a better me. Ew cheesey goddamn.December
I had to take my finals. They did kick my ass but that's fine because I thought I'd lose contact with the friends I had made but I didn't. Breaking my usual schedule I still spent time with my friends and it was amazing. And now I'm home for winter break and I want outttttttt. Let me outttttttt. I passed my classes and I'm ready for more. I do enjoy seeing my cats and two friends I mentioned early(look at that the story comes round). I also have all my wonderful online friends to talk to still.2022 has been an absolutely fantastic year and I will be riding my high for as long as I humanly can. With love your favorite writing worm <3
*Burrows into ground to hibernate*

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.