I had a really weird dream last night. It's super hard to describe too as it was that strange.
It started off with a car chase to get to the hotel house thingy that you arrive at. So I got there and I was sharing a room with my Libra friend who I was sleeping over with that night. The beds were really skinny and normally you share a room with 4 people but it was only me and Libra so I was lucky.
I went out to explore and uh, it was weird. I ended up trying to find a bathroom and did so at that was, okay? It was a weird dream and I forgot the middle part.
So after the day went by it became night and this is where things went from weird to ???
Toy Bonnie the animatronic from fnaf and some knock off animatronics started coming and my dream cut to them walking and trying to kill us basically but the hotel house had a defense against this and so everyone but Toy Bonnie died and the only way to not die was to get out safely. Before it cut to us doing that is cut to a detective maybe doing the car chase at the beginning to get there and they failed it. Miserably.
But then after it goes to us trying to get out and we're all in one house room thing. There's an upstairs and a downstairs that's has a few rooms each. We had to find raptor things and put it in a box. To get around though I could literally just jump or fly wherever to find it. Btw it was Libras family helping us look. We only found two raptor things before I woke up. It was really dark in it too, like lots of shadows.
This dream made me think of a bunch of other dreams I've had and another one was with fnaf and it creeped me out so much. I can't actually remember if it was a dream or an actual video Markiplier did on a fan game. All I know is that it was dark, in a spaceship like structure, it was hot as balls, and I was gonna fcking die within like, five minutes or so. It was very uncomfortable.
God I sometimes wish I didn't have such vivid dreams. They can really mess you up. But at the same time i feel as if they actually warn me about stuff that'll happen and make me more aware. Although some of them just cause paranoia aka the one dream that nearly gave me an anxiety attack last year and if I forgot about it, good. Let me forget.
Whalep I could ramble on for probably 40,000 more words but no one wants to read that.
*Yeets self outta here like Wiz Khalifa*

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
CasualeAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.