I got tagged by several whomans
1. Nickname?
I go by Zodi online and I have several irl2. Eye color?
I like to call my eyes bastard green, everyone thinks it's blue but no, tis green3. Hair Color?
I am a blonde, not bleach blond but a natural blond4. I am God
5. Fav Color?
Purple6. Fav place?
My future grave- I mean hell- uh wait I mean I like my bedroom and also being outside when the weather is nice.7. Fav Celebrity?
My future self8. Fav Animal?
Narwhals9. Fav Song?
Don't you dare make me pick one hoe. I'll name a few, Ham Sandwich but Getter, The Cat by Epsom(I think I'm too lazy to look) and anything by Girlinred10. Fav Book?
Perks of Being a Wallflower it's so good pls read it it's amazing.Tag 20 People
No*Evaporates like my history grade*
The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.