My brain has been going from depresso to happo all day long and now it's getting confused.
Last night I dreamt about my cat dieing again which was really fruking sad and I was very depresso.
But then at the bus stop I was blessed and Pisces friend had brought Reese's Peanut butter cups and the world was good again. I was happy and wholesome.
Then I had math and I realized how dumb I am. I'm so dumb. My memory is horrible. Rip my geometry grade some time next week.
But then I had English and I got to give my Virgo friend a poptart and she was happy! So I was happy!
Then we watched Of Mice and Men movie and the spoiler, the old dog died and it was depresso again.
But later during lunch it was not depresso because I got to talk to Gemini human who has randomly joined me and other Pisces friend(who is not my neighbor) at lunch. It was fun I guess.
Then I had two study halls and gym. I doodled in study hall developing a creepy doll art style and I had to swim during gym. Plus French was boring and not fun. I had a bad time. Not good.
But then I got on the bus and it was okay because I got to go home! Home is good! Plus Aries friend was there and we basically looked at food videos on Instagram until my internet had a stroke. It was also a good walk home. I like Aries friend :3
Then when I got home my sister was already home, and so my 15 minutes of free time was gone. Plus my mom was acting as if she was eating my Halloween candy again and so I got mad then depresso.
But it was okay because I watched Netflix and that was fun! Then I continued reading my life book previous to this one and I found a really funny video from the past. It's so beautiful. Don't watch an anime called Boku. Golden.
Then I got to a summary of 2017 and holy cow I wish I had the same amount of hope for the rest of 2018 that I had then. But it made me sad because I wanted to update my book books more but I haven't. I got depresso slapped by rps.
So now I am depresso. And I will get out of it by watching YouTube. I want spaghetti.
*Cries self pot of water to boil spaghetti with* Nice and salty :')

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.