I had a weird dream last night. Two actually.
The first one started with my family minus my sister she wasn't in the dream getting a cat. There was also a different girl that wasn't my real sister who lived with us. She really liked the cats(there was another random kitten when we got home) but since the cats are new they were afraid but the girl kept chasing the poor creatures around.
So the girl disappears behind a dresser chasing the cat and I go out to do random stuff. Later in the dream there are two guys living in the wall but they were low-key hot so it was okay. My parents obviously didn't like them so they had to stay hidden. They also had the trust of all the cats. We had gotten another because at an animal shelter we found a fluffy cat that apparently liked the girl who was living in our house as whale.
Since the guys in the wall were in the wall they were hungry. I got them popsicles that we're in the fridge AND I SWEAR THE FREEZER WAS FULL OF FOOD I HAD GOTTEN IN A DREAM WAY WAY AGO but not the point. I was afraid I was gonna get caught and my mom scared me when she yelled at me to keep the wrappers on the sticks so it doesn't drip. So I did and gave it to the two guys.
Now, here's a weird part. They had to take a shower and needed something else I forgot what but I had to get it to them. They only had towels. And it was steamy af in the bathroom and thank God for my mind censoring it cuz the second guy did NOT have a towel on. Don't worry dream me was sane and looked away trying not to see anything.
Also later after the first guy was done showering and getting dressed he came to my room where I was and a cute tiny little orange and white kitten was there. It was so small and fluffy and adorable and omg I love cats so much.
But also remember the girl from before who had chased the cats? Turns out she died because the adult cats scratched her so much. I remember saying something about how if only she had waited to gain their trust she would've lived. That was weird. I woke up sometime around their.
Next dream is shorter but still made me wake up. My best friend had gotten her driver's license and a car so she wanted to drive me around. Oh god she was a terrible driver. I felt constantly like I was gonna die on the short safe roads we were on. I was very relieved when we reached the point that we were going to go back home but nooooooooooo she has to have a need for speed.
She sped up and drove to a really fast and highup highway. The road was a cylinder so obviously she drove straight off the edge with me in the passenger seat screaming crazily as I was about to die cuz my best friend doesn't know how to stop. I woke up before we crashed.
So those were my weird dreams last night. Feels good to write them down. Alright narwhal potato girl out! PEACE!

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.