Ah heck yeah it's Friday. The morning was okay then bad then anxiety then good and lastly(so far) wild.
The bus came only about ten minutes late today but was still on time so uh, *hits the dad like Wizz Khalifa*
In orchestra we played on the stage today and we sound like craaaaap, if you can even hear us.
Then school happened and I buried my emotions for a few hours. During lunch I found a game called I Love Hue that a few others at my table had found and I'm 90% I'm colorblind now cuz damn.
It all went down hill from that. In Earth we took a quiz and hopefully I did good but it was one of those quizzes were it was easy but you know something is wrong, it ain't that easy. It can't be. Then I got second in kahoot so apparently I know what I'm doing but I doubt it.
During the next 2 periods I did nothing but play the color game and I nearly yeeted my phone at a random bystander. It's as if that hour and a half never happened honestly. It's super weird.
Oh yeah, before lunch while at my locker my Aries friend maybe crush I dunno I'm just glad we're friends which I just hit blunt cuz I had a dream like almost exactly a year ago where in it I was gonna die and they were nearby so I my last words was "Hey *name* I'm really glad we're friends!" Then it turns out the gym teacher was God so, yeah. Damn I'm glad I wrote that dream down, thanks past self you anxious bastard. Back on point basically they tapped me on the shoulder expecting me to look to the right but they were on the left but my dumbass brain looked to the left and I heard "Dang it" of dissapointment before they walked away so I was in a pretty good mood after that.
Back on track French was like being stabbed slowly before the knife was violently ripped out. I had got there looked at my hand reminding me to grab my coat and viola and I was suppose to have done that by now so I just got my binder out and took my bag and casually walked to my locker cuz, fck French. I got my coat and got back. We did basically nothing but it still caused an ungodly amount of anxiety. By the time the bell rang I had enough kinetic energy to teleport myself to the bus, but I needed my viola. Nonetheless, I speed walked faster than light and got to my bus in -4 minutes.
I got home and me and my dad made Nutella cheesecake which was AWESOME. While it was getting cold we went out to Old Navy to get more clothes and I gotta say, it was great.
It's black, like my heart, with a gold zipper, not like my intentions, and white drawstrings, like the freezing cold snow outside.
It's so nice, and soft.
Also I had to tackle my dad by jumping on his back cuz he tried to take my Nutella.
The morning was shit, but the afternoon and night is good. Wow, life is so weird at times.

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
RandomAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.