Man I'm so fruking happy rn I could kill someone with my joy. Today is just awesome and amazing.
The morning started off rough. The bus nearly passed my stop which wasn't fun and I didn't have an anxiety attack.(I love the tapping sounds on my phone as I type).
The bus driver was nearly on time it was only 7:21(the buses let kids off at 7:25) and we were about 5 minutes away. But nooooooooooo the big mouthed good person has to point out we passed someone who we've passed multiple times before they should get over it. So the guy is like "We mIssEd soMeOnE???" And he turns the tf around like BOI. And some of the smarter ones are say stuff like "We gonna be late af" "I thought we were late yesterday but wow today is worse" and he's says " oh we're gonna be late? " AND BIG MOUTH BITCH GOES "Only by like 2 minutes" skfirigjdiwkf we already 2 minutes late dumbass cock sucker.
The buses are suppose to arrive at 7:20 and school starts at 7:35. WE GOT THERE AT 7:40 and now 5 minutes may not sound like a big deal but the amount of things that could happen in five minutes is infinite.
At least I had a friend to walk with to my class since our first periods are in the same hallway.
The day got better tho. Firstly I don't have too much homework and plus idc so things were looking better. But I had asked my grandma if she cod drive me to school tomorrow aND SHE CAN. Hell yeah I can be ON TIME. And prolly anxiously early actually so *sips tea* fck u.
But my French teacher is going to France. SHES GONNA BE GOOOOOONE. THE BITCH IS LEAVING WOOOOOOOOO. The entire class started clapping when she left too so she popped her head back in for a moment and then fcked off.
Then I got to go home which is always a bonus. So I after getting off the bus I started a conversation. Me. I did that. And even better I made the person laugh. I don't make people laugh normally and I did. It was so amazing and my day just got 100% better and I love life today and I hope sad depressed lonely me remembers great moments like these.
Now I'm sitting here laying on my giant narwhal Whaleter with Mr.Bear nearby and ugh. Today seems so suspiciously good but I'm going to naively enjoy it because I can.
Here's my mood in the morning just cuz if anything I learned is that time is a human invention constricting us and breaking free of it and not giving a fuck what happens is so much better. So I leave y'all with this.

The Weirder Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)
SonstigesAh heck yes another book full of my thoughts and emotions and daily events. Spoiler warning it's actually really boring.