I have a collection of stories from school to tell all that range from funny to idk.
Starting off when I was a freshman I got lost on my first day before first period even started. Basically my school does a small freshman orientation but for my class we got a very rushed and improper one because it was literally the day before school started. For my first period class I had it in a very obscure hallway that on the first floor entrance the hallway literally cuts into less than half what it was then widens again. There's also a staircase from the second floor that was close to my locker. Unfortunately for me I went to find the staircase as it was near my locker, and I ended up passing the staircase and found myself going down another that led to the literal opposite side of the school. I've decided to make a visual for all of you because I'm nice.
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As you see the black lines do not connect at the top, meaning I managed to end up at the furthest point possible from my destination.
Now you might think I could just go back up the stairs but I thought I was going insane and so I just went around the bend and found one of the principal people standing outside his office. I went up to him and asked "do you know where room 160 is?" And thankfully for me he actually walked me halfway there. Now it must've been a very fun sight for him because just imagine a small blond girl with a back pack way too big for her who is very close to crying coming up and shakily asking where a room is. Like that is the definition of a freshman.
Now for the second story which is about the first day of school the next year. For both 9th and 10th grade I showed up late to my first class. Now you just read about why I was late the first time but the second time I had absolutely no control over. My bus driver for all of 10th grade constantly changed. And for the first guy, he ended up getting there almost 20 minutes late. Like motherfucker I understand 10 at most but 20? 20? Dude wth. I was understandably very unhappy with this and as I ended up late and had no idea what was going on in my math class which had the single worse system ever. Fuck flipped classes bro that stuff sucks ass. (For those unaware flipped classes are just classes where you watch a video at home and take notes then do the homework in school)
Anyways those two stories don't even compare to my worst one yet. Junior year. 11th grade. The year during the pandemic. For this year I dressed up moderately nicely aka I had a hair bow and didn't wear a hoodie. Now I was doing just fine and I looked cute I wasn't even feeling anxious even. Unfortunately for me I'm not allowed to have nice things and noticed I was very itchy that day. Now in the morning I had noticed the back of my neck was slightly red and I asked my dad but he didn't seem to be concerned so I went to school. Now on the bus it slowly got itchy. By first period my arms were itchy but also my sides. I just chalked it up to my pants not fitting right. And throughout all of second period I was unbearably itchy at my sides. Then finally third period came and now my arms were itchy. At some point I looked down and the inside of my arms were red and puffy. I told my teacher and left to the nurses and you know it's bad when even the school nurse is concerned for you.
As it turns out I had hives. I'm not even allergic to anything I literally managed to bottle up so much stress that I broke out into hives. By the end of the day I was 100% red and itchy all over. I even took medicine and was still itchy. My appetite also just left to get milk for two days so I didn't eat anything(WHICH IS NOT RECOMMENDED) so it only got worse so on the third day my dad finally took me to see a doctor. She prescribed me some medicine that required me to eat after taking it and I remember after eating half a granola bar I just took a nap and was out cold for like an hour. By Sunday of the next week I was better though so.
Anyways yeah that by far is the worst first day I've ever had.
My next story is a mini story. For freshman year I appearantly had a 95 or better average for the whole year so the school made a breakfast for champions event for any students that did that. On my way going to it I had a wave of nausea come over me so instead of powering through it I went to the nurse's office to rest. 10/10 good choice.
Then for 10th grade I got chosen as an art student of the year which also had a breakfast event but before school even started. That time I actually went and had a decent time although I ended up in a god awful photo that the school put on its Instagram page. I looked so uncomfortable to be there.
In both 9th and 10th grade my counselor kept trying to get me to go one some sort of like, college tour thing? I forget what it was but it was expensive as hell and I said no both times because I'm not made of money. I was also just weirded out by the fact I was picked for it because I knew only one other girl who had gotten the same offer.
I prolly have more stories but I'm too lazy to remember them. Plus the majority involve all of my incompetent bus drivers from 9th-10th grade. Special shout out to the guy who constantly went on about how dark it was when it was the middle of winter at 6:30 in the morning. The same guy who also told us about how he got into a crash driving as a city school bus driver, although he did make it clear it wasn't his fault.
Anyways I'll be off for now.
*Once again evaporates into some bushes*
Okay at my school we normally have a pep rally which is mostly entertaining to watch but also very loud and very close to being overwhelming. At my school it tradition to at some point start chanting "GO HOME FRESHMAN" as loud as we can. Now in 10th grade as sophomores you can finally join the chant. Now in my sophomore year, at the pep rally the normal chant started up and was very fun finally not being on the receiving end. Unfortunately for my class the whole school then turned on us and started chanting "GO HOME SOPHMORES!" So that's nice knowing my class was the most hated one. Anyways I'll actually be off now.