Chapter 18

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After a long and relaxing shower, she walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner for both of them. While preparing, they received a call from his sister asking for their regards. She also mentioned the beautiful sceneries along the walk, in Kallar. They seemed to enjoy their stay there. His sister sounded so elated and excited about their next visit tomorrow morning. Seemed like they made some friends. When his sister asked about their day, she lost her words and was blushing profusely. Luckily, it was a voice call, so no one noticed her face heated up, but Abhimanyu was also startled by his sister's question and Nidhi realised he was blushing, too. However, Abhimanyu composed himself and said their day went well though they didn't go out. He kept saying he had the best day because he spent his time with his women. Oblivion to the fact, his sister was glad about it.

Once they ended the call, Nidhi understanding the meaning behind his statement, hit his chest and said, 'shameless' to which he answered 'only for you.' No matter how much she felt happy and did not regret the day, a part of her brain kept chanting it was not proper and right. She wanted to make things right in every sense. Before asking him further, he asked her as if he sensed what was going on in her mind. 'Marry me, Pari. Be mine and only mine.' His proposal really stunned her. She was quiet and he continued, 'I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I once made a wrong choice, but this time I know my choice is right. Actually perfect! I am not a romantic person, Nidhi, but I want to give every happiness you deserve.' She was a crying mess listening to him. His next words made her more shocked, 'let's get married tomorrow to any nearby temple. I want us to be together in every possible way. I don't want to procrastinate anymore.' 

'Listen, Abhimanyu, I think you are rushing things out. Why the hurry and that too without our loved ones? I can't imagine breaking my parents. I know whatever happened in the afternoon startled you...' 'Really, Pari... Startled me? Are you even listening to what you're saying? My eyes are blind not my mind and heart. I know you have been silently stressing out about it. You know I have always been responsible for my endeavours. You have officially been my responsibility the moment you signed those papers. I know there are a lot of things going on in your head now. I just don't want you to be stressed. I hate to say this to you, but if you want we can keep our marriage secret and announce it once everything goes well. What say?' 

It took some time for her to digest whatever he said. She wanted this so badly but not like this. What will happen when he gets to know about her? He will definitely hate her... no he will loathe her, and she is not strong enough to face that, yet. She was contemplating asking for time, however, he beat her thoughts. 'I prefer no arguments on this topic. We are getting married and that is tomorrow.' He said with the tone of finality leaving no room for arguments. His voice was deep and determined sending chills down the spine. When she opened her mouth to say something he held her close to him by saying, 'I have clearly mentioned no arguments, wifey. Whether you agree to it or not, tomorrow we are getting married traditionally and I have already made all arrangements. Don't throw any tantrums.' 

To say Nidhi was frightened would be an understatement. She was terrified and she was shaking with his threatening tone and his cold demeanour. He had never shown this side to Nidhi, but today he had to do it because he didn't want to lose her at any cost. He knew she was afraid and he also knew she would mask it well, but this has to be done. 'Learn to get used to this bipolar man, Pari. I have gone through and experienced many things after my fatal accident. And you were there at every step I took. I want you to be there at every step I always take. Call me brutal or selfish, but I want you to be mine at any cost. You told me you would die for me, but all I ask you to do is to marry me tomorrow.' Saying that he brought her to his room and locked her from outside, which startled her more.        

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