Chapter 29

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Lewis' POV

As soon as the tsunami resides, I begin frantically searching for Hannah. Luckily I seem to be unharmed, but I can't let Hannah get hurt; not again.

I pick my way through the soaking wet jungle, occasionally calling out to check if anyone is near me. 

After continuing to walk for a few hours, I suddenly find that my path is blocked by a huge tree that must have been knocked over by the waves. I sigh and try to look for a way over it, and it's only then that I notice something trapped underneath the trunk that made my heart stop for a moment. My girlfriend.

The heavy trunk of the fallen tree is directly on top of her chest, crushing her underneath its sheer weight.

"Hannah..." I breathe, dropping to my knees next to her.

"No... Please, no..." I murmur, tears soaking through my eyelashes as I desperately shake her still body.

Her eyelids flutter open slightly, and her beautiful blue eyes meet mine.

"Lewis..." She croaks, "You found me..."

"Stay with me, please, Hannah..." I whisper.

She shakes her head slightly, "Go and find the others. I won't make it."

"No! You will Hannah, please, you have to..." My voice cracks with desperation as I trail off.

I cradle her broken body in my arms, the tree anchoring her to the ground, preventing me from helping her. Her breaths are getting less and less frequent, and each one seems to cause her a great deal of pain.

"I can't survive without you, please..." I beg, as if she has control of the situation.

"I'm sorry, Lewis..." She whispers, her eyes slipping shut.

"I love you..." I say quietly, before it's too late.

"I-I love y..." She doesn't finish her sentence before her heart gives its final beat.

And just like that, she's gone. The one person who I truly loved, dead. I feel my legs give way underneath me and I collapse next to her lifeless form, sobs racking my body. Why did this have to happen? Why Hannah, why not me instead?

I have no idea how long I stay with my head rested on her shoulder, not wanting to leave her body. Even when night came and brought with it a frosty wind, I still couldn't bring myself to leave her. This woman was my whole life. Without her, I'm worthless.

The only thing which eventually jerks me back to reality is the smell of smoke. I lift my head slightly to look up, and catch sight of a billowing cloud of smoke coming from somewhere not too far from me. That must be where the others are then. I don't want to leave Hannah here, but I know that bringing her body with me will just make me keep dwelling on this moment. I'll have enough trouble with that anyway, having a constant reminder of it will push me past my breaking point.

I slowly get up, and look down at my lover for the last time.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, a single tear falling from my eye and landing on the cold ground.

I turn and begin shakily walking towards the source of the smoke, my mind in a daze, the ground spinning beneath me.

I finally emerge into a small clearing where a small campfire is burning, and all of the other Yogs are standing.They immdetially notice me, and pick up on the tears streaking my face.

"Lewis? What's wrong friend?" Simon asks worriedly, rushing over to me.

I shake my head, unable to speak of what has happened. All of the emotions I've felt since I found Hannah suddenly rush back to me all at once, and I end up breaking down crying uncontrollably. Simon quickly pulls me into a hug, trying to comfort me.

"What is it?" He asks gently.

"H-Hannah..." I manage to get out inbetween sobs.

"Wait- you don't mean..." Simon's eyes widen.

"Y-Yes..." I reply, my voice choked.

Silence descends over the group, everyone staring at me in disbelief.

"Oh my God, Lewis..." Simon says pitifully, breaking the silence.

"I-I don't know what do without her..." I admit softly, my voice completely worn out from crying.

"Lewis, you can get through this, 'kay? We're all here for you, friend." Simon reassures me.

I nod gratefully, "I know. I-I just need some time to... Get to grips with the fact that she'll never come back..."

Smith suddenly speaks up, "I know what you're going through mate. Trust me, things will get better. It's the initial shock which is the worst."

"Yeah... Thanks." I manage to give him a weak half-smile.

 "Well... I guess we should go to sleep now." Simon says flatly.

"Yeah..." Kim murmurs sadly.

"I'll take watch." I say.

"Are you sure?" Duncan asks doubtfully.

"Well, it's not like I'd be able to sleep anyway."

"Alright then, but wake me up if you want."

I respond with a nod. They all begin heading towards the cave, and I go and sit at the entrance of it.

It's going to be a long night.

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