Chapter 12

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Duncan's POV

"Dammit, Sparks*..." I murmur as I help Parv hold Sparkles* down.

This siezure is much more intense and violent than the first one; hopefully Sam didn't do Sparks* any permamant damage. I look back at Sam, and am surprised to see that the anger has somewhat faded from his face, and an unwilling hint of worry has appeared.

"Is... He okay?" Sam asks grudgingly.

I turn and glare at him, "Does it fucking look like he's okay?"

Sam stares at the ground, and I sigh loudly and turn back to Sparkles*. I kneel down and pick up his tense wrist, groping around for his pulse.

"Too fast..." I mumble to myself.

He seems to be in a great deal of pain, but there's nothing we can do about it right now. I notice that he seems to be trying to speak, but his jaw muscles are too rigid and strained for him to form words properly.

"He's trying to say something..." I tell Parv.

Parv leans in closer, listening intently.

He frowns, trying to pick out the words from the whimpers of pain.

"Sm... Smi... Smith?" Parv deciphers.

I slowly turn around, and I can't see Smith anywhere.

"Shit..." I murmur.

"What's wrong?" Parv asks, his attention still focused on Sparkles*.

"Smith's gone. Right?" I ask Sparkles*.

He manages to nod through his spasms.

"Crap... I'll go look for him, you stay with Sparks*, Parv."

Parv nods, and I run off in the direction I assume Smith would have went, towards the foot of a huge cliff whose silhouette is always in the sky. It doesn't take me long to find him. Unconscious.

"Fuck..." As if we didn't have enough medical problems on our hands already.

I'm sure it's something to do with his arm, it probably finally got infected. I roll up his sleeve, and sigh when I see a huge gash in his arm, revealing the end of a broken bone inside. Why didn't he fucking tell me?

I'm sure it's infected, that must be the reason why he's passed out. I peer inside the wound, and, sure enough, it's not at all sterile. I sigh and rub my forehead, this is so stressful. Now we have to deal with both Sparkles* and Smith...

I hear quick footsteps coming up behind me, and turn around to see Kim running towards me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, standing up quickly.

"Sparkles*'s siezure stopped, but he won't talk to anyone..."

"Not even Parv?"

Kim shakes her head.

"Fuck... Help me get Smith back to base, and then I'll see what's wrong with Sparks*."

Together we manage to lift Smith, although it's hard to do without further damaging his arm. When we get back to base, the first thing I see is Sparkles* curled in a tight ball on the floor, facing away from everyone else. His breaths are shaky and erratic, and he seems to be holding back sobs, his shoulders trembling.

I sigh and set Smith down on the sand. I look at Strippin, and he is staring at Sparkles*, guilt mingling wth the remaining anger on his face. He seems to be torn between apologising or keeping his pride.

"Well, are you fucking happy about what you've done?" Parv hisses at Sam, noticing his gaze.

Sam pauses for a moment, and I suck in my breath as I watch him. Will he swallow his pride and fury and apologise?...

"He... He was asking for it." Sam retorts, his eyes hardening again.

I mentally facepalm. If Sam had any chance of regaining our trust, he just threw it away.

"You're asking for me to fucking kill you!" Parv loses it completely, and sprints for Sam.

"Parv!" I shout, and manage to grab him and hold him back.

"Let me go! Let me get at him, he fucking deserves it!" Parv snarls, clawing at my arms.

"Parv, I''m not saying he doesn't deserve it. I would love to punch him too, but it's not worth it." I try to reason with Parv.

"No! He fucking deserves it! Didn't you hear what he said about Chris and Ross?! I'll fucking kill him, let me go!"

"Parv, listen to me, I'm not gonna let you go until you calm down. Don't stoop to Sam's level."

Parv eventually gives up, and stops struggling. I cautiously release him, ready to grab him again if I need to. He glares at Sam, but turns around and walks away towards Sparkles*.

"Good man, Parv." I say loudly, scowling at Sam.

Sam sneers, and quietly says something that sounds suspiciously like "Coward". Parv tenses slightly, but manages to ignore him, and goes and sits by Sparkles*. I glare at Sam one more time, before going and joining Parv. I attempt to get Sparkles* to talk.

"Sparkles*?" I ask tentatively.

He just shakes his head in reply, his eyes shut tight and his breathing laboured and heavy.

I sigh, and whisper to Parv, "Keep talking to him. I need to go deal with Smith."

Parv nods, and starts quiety comforting Sparkles*. I start cleaning out Smith's wound with water from the stream, occasionally stopping to wipe the pus with leaves. Once I've cleaned the cut, I start thinking about how I could make a makeshift splint. Luckily, the break is only in the lower half of his arm, so it won't need too complex a splint. I eventually settle for two small, flat pieces of wood tied around the break with long grass to set the bone.

I notice that night is already beginning to descend, and go to check how Sparkles* is doing. He still isn't responding to Parv, so I eventually tell Parv, "Maybe he just needs some time; let's go to sleep for the night and see how he is in the morning."

"Fine..." Parv replies, his voice flat and dejected.

I volunteer to take first watch, and everyone settles down to sleep, but Sam goes a few metres away from everybody else before lying down. I watch Sparkles* for a few minutes, and I can tell that he's not asleep yet, as he isn't relaxed, he's still curled up tensely. I can tell by his strained, irregular breathing that he's holding back sobs.

I shake my head sadly, and look away, unable to watch for any longer.

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