Chapter 16

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Lewis' POV

I am awoken by the sound of Sparkles* shouting in pain, and immediately sit up. The first thing I see is Parv tackling someone to the ground. I realise that the person is Sam, who is holding a bloodied knife in his hands.

"What the fu-" I begin, but then my mind makes the connection of Sparkles* cry of pain and the knife.

I turn my head and, to my horror, I notice that the sand around Sparkles*' neck is stained crimson.

"Sparks*!" I exclaim, panicking.

I rush to his side, accidently waking up Hannah. It takes a second for her to register what is happening before she follows me to Sparkles*. As I expected, there is a stab wound running along the side of his neck.

"What do we do?!" I ask Hannah agitatedly.

"How am I meant to know?!" Hannah replies, sounding as anxious as I feel.

Kim, Smith and Turps all join us around Sparkles*, but none of them have the faintest idea what to do either. I look around for Duncan, but he seems to be busy keeping Parv from murdering Sam.

Blood is still spurting from the wound in Sparkles*' neck, so I use my hands to apply pressure to it, hoping that it might stop the bleeding. His breathing and heartrate appear to be okay, but his eyes are closed. After a minute, I look up and see Sam walking off, and Duncan trying to pacify Parv.

"Duncan!" I call his name.

He looks up and realises that we have no idea what to do about the blood trickling down Sparkles*' neck. He seems to mutter something to Parv before he comes over.

"Has he been breathing okay?" Duncan asks.

"Yeah. And his pulse is normal." I reply, still shaking slightly from the shock of waking up in the middle of this.

Duncan gives a satisfied nod, and begins feeling around Sparkles* neck. He presses his fingers against a certain point, and the blood stops almost immediately. I can't help but stare at him like he's performed some kind of magic. Duncan catches my expression and smiles slightly, "It didn't hit any main veins or arteries. He'll be fine."

Parv comes over and sits on the floor next to Sparkles*, his fists still clenched and his jaw set with fury. For a moment, an awkward silence descends over us, none of us knowing quite what to say, until Duncan finally breaks it.

"I'm gonna be honest here, I don't think Sam will be able to survive without us." Duncan begins cautiously.

"So what?" Parv interrupts, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Look, Parv, I know how furious you must be with Sam right now, and I don't blame you, but... He doesn't deserve to die. Martyn's death must have hit him really hard for him to act like this, I just think someone should at least try to talk to him."

Parv looks like he wants to protest, but stays quiet. Suddenly, Hannah says, "I can go and talk to him."

"No!" I immediately protest, "He has a knife, you're not going!"

I grab Hannah's arm to make sure she doesn't go. Duncan bites his lip, "Well, someone has to go..."

"Why don't two of us go?" I say.

Duncan shakes his head, "Sam would probably feel more threatened if two people came, and he'd be more likely to try to use his knife. Only one person should go, someone who Sam won't feel threatened by."

Hannah replies, "Exactly, so I should go. There's no way Sam would feel threatened by me."

"You're not going." I repeat.

"Maybe Hannah should go, Lewis..." Duncan tries.

I look at him, hesitating. I finally give in.

"If he even looks like he's about to take out his knife, shout, okay? Okay?" I shake Hannah's arm slightly and look her in the eye to make sure she's listening.

"I promise." She replies, leaning over to give me a light kiss before walking off, following Sam's footprints in the sand.

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