Chapter 30

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Duncan's POV

A heavy sense of depression hangs over us as we slowly enter the cave. The news of Hannah's death has hit everyone pretty hard, but I'm most worried about Lewis. He truly loved Hannah, I have no idea how he's going to cope without her.

I sigh as everyone begins settling down to sleep, and go to the far corner of the cave to lie down. But as I begin settling down, I suddenly notice a large hole in the wall which I hadn't noticed before, due to the darkness. I cautiously get up and look through it, and, to my horror, a pair of amber eyes are glinting in the darkness. Not human eyes, but animal eyes. And there are more than one pair. A lot more. Leopards.

"Holy shit! We have to get out of here!" I yell, and everyone scrambles up immediately.

"What? What is it?" Simon asks frantically.

"We aren't alone. Get out as fast as you can."

I usher everyone out of the cave as quickly as I can, and just in time too, as the group of leopards seem to have noticed us, but luckily don't seem to be chasing us yet.

Lewis seems to have heard us, as he is already standing up when we get out of the cave.

"Lewis! There are leopards in the cave, we have to run." Simon grabs his arm and begins pulling him along with us.

"You won't be able to outrun them unless they're distracted." He says seriously, looking at us.

"Well, we can hide. Come on, we have to go!" I say urgently.

"You guys go. Run as far as you can, I'll buy you time." Lewis says, adressing all of us.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You can't go near them, they'll kill you."

"Exactly. It will distract them long enough for you to get away." Lewis replies quietly.

"Lewis... You can't be serious. Do you not understand what will happen to you?"

"Of course I do. Now run. I've already let Hannah die, I'm not letting it happen to you as well." He turns and begins walking towards the cave.

"Lewis! Oh my God, stop!" Simon yells desperately, and begins going towards him.

But Lewis is already at the mouth of the cave; it's too late. I hold Simon back, even though I feel horrible for doing so.

"Run, please." Lewis says to us sadly, tears glossing over his eyes.

Simon stares at him, his mouth slightly open, but eventually nods.

"If we want to increase our chances, we have to split up. Parv, go with Sparkles*. If Sparkles* can't run for any longer, just hide. I'll go with Kim, Sjin go with Turps and Simon, Smith go with Sam. Make Lewis' sacrifice worth it, okay?" I say, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes at the last sentence.

Everyone nods and immediately starts running. I hear a stifled scream of pain from the cave, then silence. I pull Kim along and we start running, both of us silently crying, knowing that Lewis has sacrificed his life for us.

We run until we reach the sandy stretch of shore, and we have nowhere else to run.

 "Duncan... What do we do?" Kim asks, terrified and red-eyed from crying.

 "We... We wait. If the leopards find us, we have nowhere to run. We'll just have to- to... Accept our fate." I say quietly, a single tear of fear falling from my eye.

 "Duncan... I'm scared... I miss Hannah, and-and Lewis..." Kim sobs quietly as I hold her close to me.

 "I know, Kim, I know..." I whisper into her hair.

 We sink to the sandy floor, still in each others arms. And we wait.

 I'm sorry about Lewis T_T I don't know why I'm so evil :( On the bright side, I'm gonna try to post at least one more chapter today!

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