Chapter 14

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Parv's POV

I wake up to somebody frantically shaking my arm. I groan, keeping my eyes shut, and flail out to try to make them stop.

"Parv! Get up! NOW!" I hear Duncan's panicked voice.

He sounds serious, so I grudgingly open my eyes. I'm not a morning person.

"What?" I mumble, sitting up and looking at Duncan.

"Sparkles* is gone."


I turn around, and, sure enough, Sparkles* is no longer there. I jump to my feet, my heartrace speeding up. The adrenaline racing through my veins fully wakes me up.

"Did you see anything? Any animals?" I demand.

"No. He must have left himself."

"How?! He can barely stand up, let alone walk!"

"It's the only thing that could have happened. There definitely weren't any animals near." Duncan replies calmly.

"But... Why would Sparkles* leave?" I think aloud, although I already know the answer.

"Because he thinks that he's a burden to us. He thinks that he's decreasing our chances of survival." Duncan confirms my suspicions.

"Then where would he go..." I pace back and forth anxiously.

I suddenly freeze. He isn't going to... No...

"Duncan..." I say quietly.

He looks up at me.

"I-I think he's..." I swallow, unable to finish my sentence.

"He's what?" Duncan asks, confused.

"He's going to... C-Commit... Suicide." I manage to get it out.

Duncans eyes widen.

"No..." He whispers, staring at me in disbelief, "How do you know?"

I shake my head sadly, "I've known Sparkles* for... A long time. I can tell what he's thinking, I've spent enough time wth him to be able to know."

"Well... We have to go after him, then... Before it's too late."

I nod, trying to fight down the panic rising in my chest. Calm down, think straight. How would Sparkles* commit suicide... It almost feels like I'm doing some kind of messed up test to see how well you know your best friend: "How would your best friend commit suicide?"

He'd want it to be quick and painless... So he probably wouldn't try to slit his wrists... Hanging? But what from? Jumping from a building? There aren't any buildings on this fucking island. Wait...

I look up, my heart sinking. The cliff.

"Duncan, I know where he's gone. Stay here."

I take off sprinting towards the top of the cliff. I crash through the jungle, my legs moving so fast that I can't even feel them anymore. Sparkles*...

I finally emerge from the trees, and find myself about 20 metres away from the cliff edge. Sure enough, I can see the silhouette of a person shakily getting to their feet. No... This can't happen...

"Sparkles*! NO!" I scream, running towards him, my arms ready to grab him back.

He turns his head, his eyes glistening with tears. I wrap my arms around him and pull him back forcefully. For a few seconds he struggles, but then he runs out of fight, and the tension leaves him. I stop when we are a safe distance from the edge, and just hold Sparkles* tightly.

His body is racked with sobs, his shoulders trembling.

"It's okay... You're safe, Sparks*... Don't ever do that again, okay?" I say gently.

Sparkles* seems to have little to no energy left, as he collapses onto the floor, still crying uncontrollably. I notice that his hands are coated in blood, and I manage to make him turn them over so I can see his palms. I sigh when I see that they are raw and skinned; that means that he's crawled all the way here, even on the sharp rocks at the top of the cliff.

He's struggling to draw breaths through his sobs, and he seems too exhausted to stand up, so I gently scoop him up and start heading back towards the camp. Halfway there, his body suddenly tenses up, and he starts slipping into a seizure, gasping for air as his body tremors violently in my arms. I clutch him tighter, and break into a run.

I soon get out onto the beach, and see that everyone else is awake, and Duncan seems to be explaining the situation to them. All heads turn to look at me, and everyone but Sam immediately comes over when they see the state Sparkles* is in.

Duncan helps me to lay Sparkles* on the ground and keep him steady on the floor. Hannah, Kim, Turps and Smith don't seem to be able to do anything but stare in shock, but Lewis speaks up.

"D-Did you find him where you thought he was?" He asks quietly.

"...Yeah." I reply shortly, my eyes stinging with tears.

Lewis opens his mouth as if he's about to reply, but then closes it and goes silent.

"He's not breathing enough... " Duncan mutters, moving Sparkles* into the recovery position.

I help Duncan to keep Sparkles* in the recovery position for several minutes, until his seizure finishes. Duncan leans in and listens to his breathing, and nods, "He's okay."

I exhale in relief, wiping the sweat from my forehad with my sleeve.

"So... Had he crawled the whole way there?" Duncan asks me.

"Yeah, look at this." I say, turning over Sparkles* hands to reveal his torn up palms.

I can hear Hannah and Kim suck in surprised breaths at the gruesome gashes, and Turps backs away slightly.

"We'd better clean those out..." Duncan says.

Duncan and I both go to the stream to get water to clean out the cuts, and, once we are out of the others' earshot, we start talking.

"What the fuck are we going to do when Sparkes* wakes up?" Duncan asks me anxiously.

"I-I have no idea." I admit, sighing heavily.

"What if he tries to do it again?"

"Well, we'll just have to make sure he doesn't!" I snap back aggressively, rubbing my forehead agitatedly.

Duncan seems shocked for a second, but then his face takes on a sympathetic expression.

"I-I'm sorry that you have to go through all this, Parv..." Duncan says quietly, and I immediately feel guilty.

"No, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have a go at you like that, I'm just so... Scared. About Sparkles*. I-I just couldn't bear the thought of him dying. We've know each other for so long..."

"Sparkles* will be fine, don't worry. Whoever's on watch can keep an eye on him. We'll get off this damn island soon, trust me."

I really want to believe Duncan, but somewhere in the back of my mind I know that it won't be as easy as that. It could take months, years even, for us to be rescued. And who knows what could happen to Sparkles* in that period of time?

 We return with handfuls of water, and manage to wash some of the blood off Sparkles* hands. I suddenly realise how exhausted I am from the whole experience, and can't stifle a yawn.

"You should go back to sleep, Parv. I can take care of Sparkles*, I'll wake you up if he comes around." Duncan offers.

I nod gratefully, and, after a few minutes, manage to fall into a restless sleep, my mind filled with worries.

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