Chapter 3

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Hannah's POV

I continue searching the beach for a sign of anyone else being here, but with no success. I eventually end up exactly where I had woken up, at the foot of a giant palm tree by the shore. I give a grunt of frustration and throw myself down on the sand, wincing slightly at the impact. I seem not to be badly injured, just cuts and bruises, but they still hurt like hell. Plus, I now have a massive headache from walking around in the direct sunlight. But I have to find Lewis, he might be hurt. I saw him crack the back of his head against a sharp edge of one of the wings that had come off, and he was knocked out instantly. Oh god, I hope one of the other Yogs has found him.

I heave myself up again, my determination to find Lewis renewed. I haven't tried going into the jungle yet, for fear that there could be wild animals in there, but it's worth the risk if there's a chance that Lewis is in there. I take off my shoes, as they're just making my feet ache more. Plus, I'll be able to tread quieter if I'm barefoot.

I creep cautiously through the rainforest, jumping every time I hear a parrot caw. I'm almost through to the end of the jungle when I suddenly feel my foot touch a warm, sticky substance. I freeze and slowly lift my foot, and see that it is coated in blood. Fresh blood. That means that someone's been here, but they're hurt too. I look at the ground, and see another patch of blood a few metres forwards. I practically sprint towards it, and find another identical scarlet stain on the ground a small distance away from this one. I keep following the bloodstains, unable to stop them from making me feel like I'm playing some sort of horror detective game.

I finally come out into a clearing, where I see not only a clear stream, but also people! There are two of them, and both of their backs are turned away from me, but I can tell from here that it's Turps and Smith. But neither of them look hurt, they must have someone else with them who was bleeding. I run towards them, but only Turps turns his head.


I smile at him, but it quickly fades from my face as I look down and see a limp figure lying on the dirt, a pool of blood at his head.

"Oh my god, Lewis!" I say, kneeling down next to him.

"We've cleaned out the wound a bit, but we're not sure what else to do. Also..." Turps comes down to my level and says quietly so that Smith can't hear, "Chris and Ross, they- they didn't make it. Please don't bring it up, it's hit Smith really hard..."

I nod, horrified by this news.

"That's- that's terrible. How do you know that they're d-dead?" I ask.

"I-I saw the bodies." Turps replies shakily.

"That must have been horrible for you, I'm so sorry..." I say sincerely.

"Not as bad as it is for Smith.", he says, going back to Smith and attempting to comfort him.

I return my focus back to Lewis, turning him over so that I can get a good look at his head. I reel back slightly when I see the full extent of the injury. The gash is deep enough that I can see a small area of his skull, and it's a good few inches long. I steel myself, trying to convince my brain that it's not as bad as it looks. I tear a sleeve off my shirt and soak it in the stream before gently wiping the edges of the gash, cleaning away the dried blood. It looks slightly less gruesome when the excess blood is off, but it's still enough to make my stomach spasm.

I tear a good 3 inches off the bottom of my shirt, and secure it firmly around Lewis' head in an attempt to staunch the blood flow somewhat. It fails miserably, but I don't stop trying. I tear a sleeve off my shirt and fold it into a thick square, and push it under the strip of fabric, so that it is held in place over the deepest part of the gash. It looks like it might be helping... Oh well, it's the best I can do right now.

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