Chapter 4

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Kim's POV

"I'm gonna go see if I can find any fruit or vegetables growing in the rainforest. If we could get those, we can plant them and have pretty much unlimited food." I say to Duncan.

"Okay, be careful," he replies, giving me a light kiss.

That's the only good thing about me and Duncan being stranded alone on the island, we don't have to hide our romance any more. I don't know what we'll do if we meet any other Yogs... I guess we'll just have to keep it a secret.

I grab my small-but-deadly pocket knife, tuck it in my pocket, and set off into the trees. I creep cautiously under the ropes of vine dangling overhead, occasionally pushing a branch out of the way. It's a good job I'm as short as I am, or else I would have been strangled by vines by now. It's actually quite relaxing to just be alone again after the plane incident; just let my mind wander.

I'm suddenly brought crashing down to reality again by the sound of footsteps near me. I freeze and pull out my knife. The footsteps get nearer, and they are coming up behind me. It must be some kind of animal. I flick out the biggest blade, my imagination running wild with thoughts of tigers and rabid creatures pouncing on me.

I finally manages to unfreeze my body and spin around, my knife already sailing forwards through the air, ready to stab an animal in the head. When I turn around, I see the last thing I expected to see: Another human. Turps. My brain furiously yells at my body to stop, but I've gone into such a bad panic that my hand doesn't listen, it keeps going and the next thing I know- I bury the knife deep into his chest.

Time seems to slow down, and for a second that lasts a minute, Turps and I stare at each other with equal disbelief in our eyes. I watch in slow-motion as he noiselessly crumples to the ground, his eyes closed and his chest stained scarlet.

Then time suddenly warps to double-speed, and the realisation of what I just did rushes back to me.

"DUNCAN! DUNCAN!!!" I scream hysterically, terrified tears pouring down my face.

"Kim?! KIM?!!", he shouts back, sounding almost as panicked as I feel.

He breaks through the leaves and runs towards me, holding me closely as I sob into his shoulder.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" he says, stroking my hair.

"I-I killed him! I didn't mean to! My hand just-"

"Who are you talking about? What did you do?"

"T-Turps!" I sob, pointing at Turps' bloodstained body on the floor.

"Oh my God, what the hell happened!?" he says, rushing to Turps' side.

"I  s-stabbed him! I didn't mean to, I thought he was an animal!" I cry, growing more and more hysterical.

"Just calm down. We have to try to keep him alive."

"H-he's not d-dead?" I ask shakily.

Duncan stares at me.

"Of course he's not, look, he's breathing."

I look at the blade protruding from Turps' chest, and see that it is indeed moving up and down, albeit very slowly. I edge closer, and stand next to Duncan, who kneels down to take his pulse.

"Is he okay?" I ask quietly.

"He's tachycardic." Duncan replies with a grimace.

I stare at him, utterly confused.

"Two questions: What the hell does that mean, and why do you know that word?" I frown.

"Oh, shit... Is now a good time to tell you that I was going to take a degree in Medicine, but I dropped out to take my Art degree?..."

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