Chapter 8

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Parv's POV

"Duncan, can I talk to you in private for a second?" I ask as soon as Sparkles* loses consciousness.

"Sure. Can you just keep an eye on Sparkles*?" Duncan asks the others, who all nod.

We go a few metres into the jungle until nobody can overhear what we say.

"It's about Sparkles*, isn't it?" Duncan says immediately.

"...Yeah. I might be wrong, but I think he's depressed." I reply.

"I agree. He's being way too hard on himself. Has this ever happened before?"

"Well... I don't know if it was exactly like this, but Sparkles* told me that he was depressed for a while when he was a teenager. Don't let him know I told you, I'm the only person who he told about it."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Do you think there's anything we can do about it?" Duncan asks.

"I don't know..." I shake my head sadly, "Maybe I could try to take his mind off it. Play music with him or something."

"I guess." Duncan sighs.

I suddenly remember another thing that I wanted to talk to Duncan about.

"About his siezure..." I say, "Was it just a one off? Or will he keep having them?"

"I doubt it was just one. He's probably gonna keep having them whenever he stands up. I mean, it could get better, but..." Duncan trails off.

I nod, silently processing the information.

"Crap... I just feel so sorry for him..." I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

"I know. For his sake, we better try to get off this island as quick as possible."

"How?! We're so fucking helpless on this tiny island! We know nothing about survival, we play fucking video games for a living!" I say angrily.

Duncan steps back slightly, shocked.

"Jesus, Parv... You didn't have to put it so harshly..." He says, a hurt expression on his face.

"Sorry... I just feel so frustrated that we can't seem to do anything to help ourselves..." I say, running a hand through my hair.

"I know, but we just have to try to stay strong for everyone else. Sparkles* is relying on you."

"I know, it's just hard... Especially when so many of our friends could be dead..."

"Don't say that! They've probably found each other and set up a camp, just like us."

"What about Chris and Ross then? Have they gone and joined that camp? No, they're dead. They're fucking dead, all because of that crash, that fucking crash!" I shout, working myself into a rage.

"Parv, calm down!" Duncan shouts back, grabbing my shoulders.

I look up at him, and he takes a deep breath and composes himself again.

"You can't lose it. I know this is hard, it's hard for everyone, I'm fucking terrified about what's happened to the others too."

I exhale heavily, and the tension and anger leaves my body with the air.

"I'm sorry... I'm acting so selfishly," I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it. Just keep it together, 'kay? For Sparks*?"

I smile and nod.

We slowly make our way back onto the beach, and see that almost everybody is huddled around Sparkles*.

I rush forward, what's happened?

"Is he okay?" Duncan calls out, close behind me.

Hannah looks up, and immediately grabs me, "He's having a nightmare or something..."

I push through everyone, and look down at Sparkles*. His ginger hair is plastered to his forehead with sweat, and he seems to be struggling with himself as he sleeps.

"Sparkles*? Sparks*?" I ask frantically, shaking his arm.

His eyes snap open, his breathing fast and heavy.

"Sparkles*? You okay?" I ask gently.

His eyes are wild with terror, but he stutters, "I-I'm fine... Sorry..."

Why does he keep apologising?

"Sparks*, you don't have to apologise for anything, okay?" I say.

"I-I know... Sorry..."

I sigh, evidently this isn't working. He realises, and looks away sheepishly. The spark (That wasn't meant to be a pun xD) is gone from his eyes that used to shine with enthusiasm and happiness. They aren't the same shade of crystal-blue that they used to be, now they are dull and exhausted. There's definitely something wrong with him.

"Just try to go back to sleep, alright?" I say, and Sparkles* nods flatly.

I get up, and Duncan gives me a sympathetic look.

This isn't the Sparkles* I know.

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