Chapter 34

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Parv's POV

I stare blankly at the fire swiftly consuming the rainforest, my vision blurred with unshed tears. My best friend is dead...

All of a sudden I am jerked harshly back to reality by the sound of Sam shouting excitedly, "Holy shit! There's a helicopter!"

I look up slowly, and see that he's correct. I feel like I should be happy or at least surprised by this, but I can't bring myself to feel anything but pure sadness after what happened to Sparkles*. I'm not sure if I even want to be rescued anymore.

Smith seems to feel the way, as he is still sitting with his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking slightly as he silently sobs.

The helicopter lowers and lands gently on the sand a little way away from us. Simon, Turps and Sjin immediately jump out and run over to us, but slow to a halt when they notice the state that Smith is in.

"What happened?" Turps asks, concerned, "And where's Sparkles*?"

"He didn't...  Didn't get out." I whisper quietly, more tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh my God..." Turps breathes, looking down at the ground.

"What's wrong with Smith?" Simon whispers to me.

"He's the one who started the fire... He thinks it's his fault." I reply quietly enough that Smith can't hear.

"Oh..." Simon sighs sadly.

"Well... We should go and find Kim and Duncan." Sjin says, his voice flat and tired.

"Mhm..." Simon says, and they begin leading us towards the helicopter.

The rescue team help us up into the helicopter. They look at Smith slightly strangely, so Turps explains, "One of us... Didn't make it out of the forest."

They nod sympathetically but don't say anything. They're probably worried that we're mentally unstable or something. I can't blame them though, I feel like I might actually be.

We go and collapse onto the soft seats in the helicopter, all of us completely exhausted.

After a few minutes of flying around the coast, we finally spot Duncan and Kim, and the helicopter gradually lowers to the ground.

Turps, Simon and Sjin hurry out to fetch them, and seem to have a word with them about the current situation before bringing them into the helicopter.

"So... Is that everyone?" I ask.

"Nope. We just need to pick up Lewis." Simon says.

"Lewis? Uh, Simon..." I exchange a confused glance with Smith and Sam. Does Simon not know that Lewis is dead?

"He's alive, we went back for him." Simon smiles.

"Oh. That's... Great." I say awkwardly, not quite sure what word to use. If only Sparkles* was alive too... I shake my head quickly to rid myself of the thoughts; I shouldn't dwell on it like this. What's happened has happened, nothing I do can change it.

We lift off and fly over the forest, which is still burning but has been mostly wiped out already. I stare pensively out of the window as we land next to the cave. I suddenly realise how many of our friends' dead bodies are going to be left on this island forever: Trott, Ross, Martyn, Hannah, Sparkles*...

I sigh and wipe the tears from my eyes and turn away from the window. I catch a glimpse of Lewis on a stretcher being taken away to the back part of the helicopter, and shudder at the sight of the copious amounts of blood everywhere. I hope he'll be okay, we've already lost too many people...

As we take off for the final time, we all look out and down at the island. From up here, it looks so tiny, so unimportant. But for us, it's something that we'll never be able to forget. We'll never be able to forget watching our friends die, and the feeling of complete and utter despair.

Everyone is quietly whispering their goodbyes to the people who we have been forced to leave behind on the island, not caring if anyone else hears.

"I promise I'll never forget you, Hannah..." Kim whispers, before turning and sobbing into Duncan's shoulder.

"I'll miss you guys, Chris and Ross..." Smith mumbles under his breath.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Martyn..." Sam mutters quietly.

"See you some other time, Sparks*..." I mumble, forcing a tiny smile through my tears.

Soon, the island is out of our view, and the only thing below us is the seemingly endless stretch of deep blue ocean.

And now, it's all over. The nightmare has ended, but the aftermath will stay with us forever.

Hey, Yognaut4Life here! Just wanted to quickly say thanks again for you guys' continuous support throughout this whole story, you guys are awesome! Also, just a reminder that this fanfic is by no means over yet, so make sure that you stay tuned, as I have many more chapters planned!

Thanks for voting and commenting! <3 you guys x

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