Chapter 22

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NOTE: This is all taking place after the events of the last few chapters :)

Sjin's POV

I walk slowly through the jungle, the leaves overhead shading me from the burning midday sun. It must have been at least a week or two since we crashed here, and I still haven't found anyone else. I've only just been managing to survive on my own, but, if I don't find someone else soon, I don't think I'll make it. I start thinking about all the people who could be on this island, and whether or not they could be alive...

A sudden rustling noise behind me abruptly pulls me from my daydream. I freeze on the spot, and slowly turn around. Two amber eyes are watching me angrily, hidden in the shrubs. A tiger. Shit.

It takes a second for me to regain control of my limbs before I can try to run. But that mere second costed me.

I see a blur of orange and black stripes charge at me, and, before I can react, I feel it slam into me, the force knocking me to the ground. I try to get back up again, but the tiger is too quick for me. It uses its paw to pin me down by my arm, pushing it down so forcefully that I feel like my arm's going to break.

It sinks its 4 inch long claws deep into my upper arm, and I can't help but let out a cry of pain. This just causes the tiger to sink them in even deeper, and pull them swiftly down towards my elbow, ripping open the flesh of my upper arm. I gasp in pain, my eyes stinging with tears of agony.

I begin to thrash about, trying desperately to get the tiger off me. Please don't let me die here...

By some miracle, I manage to kick the tiger in the stomach, and he jumps back slightly, lifting his paw for a second. I take the opportunity to pull my arm from underneath it, trying to ignore the excrutiating amount of pain it causes. I scramble up while it's still trying to figure out what just happened, and run.

I sprint through the trees and bushes, adrenaline fueling me. My heart is pumping and my arm is killing me, but I keep going. I can hear it chasing me, but I don't let it get to me. Just keep running...

My shirt is soaked with the copious amounts of blood oozing from my arm, and I notice that I am beginnng to feel light-headed and dizzy. I won't be able to keep running for much longer, but the tiger is still stubbornly pursuing me.

I finally break out of the jungle, and emerge onto a brightly-lit beach, the tiger barely metres behind me. The blood loss has really been getting to me, and by this point I can barely stand. I will myself to keep going, but it doesn't work. I feel my legs give way underneath me, and I collapse onto the sand, all hope of survival lost.

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