Chapter 1

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I kicked off my heels as Brie came over to me.

"Hey babygirl, are you excited to see daddy?" I asked her as a wide smile spread across her face.

She nodded, "I did this" she said holding up a paper full of different crayon colored scribbles

I chuckled to myself, "is it for me?"

"Uh uh. For daddy!" She said getting giddy from excitement.

"Yeah? So mommy doesn't get one?" I play frowned at her before I pulled her up on my lap and tickled her little tummy.

She giggled and squirmed uncontrollably.

"Ok ok...I forgive ya. Come help mommy cook something for when daddy gets here." I told her placing her on her little feet as she took my hand so we could go to the kitchen.


"Careful baby," I said to Brie as I placed my hands around Brie's to stir in the butter to the mash potatoes.

" I can do it," she semi protested as I smirked.

She always thought she could do everything.

"Perfect," I said as we finished up and I spun back to the stove to turn off the crawfish.

"Aight brie, we're done. What you wanna do til your father gets here?" I asked her.

She thought for a few seconds before shouting, " watch discable me 2!"

I knew that was coming as I helped her off the island counter and watched her run to the living room.

I followed where she already had the Blu-ray disk awaiting.

I popped it in before sitting her on my lap, getting comfortable on the couch.

I woke up from my sleep, as my iphone playing August's hip hop song blasted away.

"Mommy phone," Brie said holding the phone up to my face

I saw it was August calling as I regained awareness from my nap.

"hello," I said as I looled at the clock and realised it was 2 hours later.

"Aye bae, " I heard that sultry voice say back to me as I lowered the volume on the movie simultaneously.

"Babe, I thought you'd be home an hour and a half ago. Is everything okay?" I questioned as I sat up.

August sighed softly, " yeah I know flight got delayed so I won't make it home ta'night"

My heart sunk at his words. It had been 2 months that August was gone on his European/Asia Tour. We faced timed each other daily but lord knows it was still hard, especially for Abrianna who was so attached to him.

"da weather hea' in Paris is a muufucker...I prolly won't get back to da A til tomorrow night." He said after my momentary silence.

"I know if you could you'd be here. I just hate having to tell Brie...she's been waiting on you all night" I told him as I glanced over at her. She was completely absorbed in the end of her movie, dancing to the music.

"Sorry ma, just tell her Imma be thea befo she can say Doctor Nefario," he said knowing all well that Abrianna couldn't pronounce that character's name

I smiled, " Alright...I'll see you tomorrow then"

"Bet yo ass you will," he chuckled, "I love ya ma....and kiss Brie goodnight fa a nigga too, will ya?"

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