Chapter 20

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Just wanted to say thank you to each and everyone who expressed their kind words and prayers to me from the last chapter.

I greatly appreciate it you guys! I wish I could give yall a chapter or something to show how much it meant to me.... oh looky here, there is a chapter :)

Thanks again guys,




I looked on as Mikaela ripped through dat envelope as her father bowed his head, as if in shame.

she pulled out da paper dat was inside it, as I saw her eyes scan whatever was written on thea'.

She finally got done reading, before lookin' back at her dad.

She glared at him without sayin a word.

"What's it say?" I finally spoke up and asked.


"It's a letter from the psych clinic my dad used to stay in," I answered August's question.

I handed him the paper so he could read for himself.

"Dear Ms Montgomery,

We have confirmed your kinship to our previous patient # 058M99 in the name of Felix Montgomery.

Doctor Trevor Adu who is head psychiatric doctor here at Einstein Mental & Behavioral Health has attached the completed files which has given Mr F Montgomery a 100% stability, and clean bill of mental health.

We hope this will be of assistance to you.


Amy Whitaker

"Remember I had requested those files from his clinic back in Philly?" I asked August who had finished reading

"Yeah. And da release dates on hea match the release papers he showed you since he got hea' " August pointed out to me.

"Yeah. Well I just wanted to be cautious. Especially since his Dr was out on business when I first requested these."

I had gotten an email from the clinic 2 weeks earlier. Told me the files would need to be signed off by my dad's doctor, but he was out for some time. Hence why I was only now receiving this letter.

I redirected my thoughts back to my father.

"So why the hell were you trying to steal the letter?" I asked him, still mad at his actions.

He looked at me, before saying. " I didn't know my actual mental state after I left that place. Yeah, they told me I had recovered and stable enough to leave but I wanted to see the detail. I just wanted to know if..."

I raised and eyebrow. "If what?"

"If there was a chance that I could relapse one day" he said sounding somewhat broken.

"Well, here's your proof," I said handing him the first page from the report.

"You're 100," I added.

He looked at it and read, letting out a sigh of relief as he did.

I rolled my eyes, " you could have just asked me to see those after I got it you know"

"No offense honey, but if this report read anything short of 100% I'm not sure I would've gotten the chance to even ask you to see this" he told me sadly.

I looked away knowing he was right. I probably wouldn't want him in the house anymore, and for that I felt some guilt.

"Na'," August interrupted the silence, "since dis sorted out. Da fire investigators got da results of da fire as well"

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