Chapter 14

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"Oh God," I whispered to myself as I saw August entering the living room from the adjoining dining room.

I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, " thank God"

"Damn, I was only gone fa 1 day ma," he joked as I held onto him

"I got your message and came here. Why did you leave the door open!" I smacked his arm.

"Oww..I was bout ta leave, but a nigga was hungry. So I dropped ma shit on da table by da door and came back in ta get a snack," he smiled as he bit into the apple I only now realised he was holding.

I exhaled deeply, " and here you had me thinking the worst"

"Whatchu mean?" He said as he looked down at me.

"I dunno, I thought my ...." I began until I heard the guest bathroom toilet flush.

I looked from its direction back to August.

"Please tell me you got some random bitch in there and not," I said as the door open and shut.

Next thing I knew, my father came into our view. He stopped in his tracks once he noticed I was there with August.

"Why the hell did you let him into our home August???" I whispered angrily to him.

"Whoa whoa...." he said as he took my hand and walked towards the foyer.

"Give us a minute man," he called to my dad.

He followed me into the kitchen, before I paced the floor still angry.

"Why is he in our house August?" I blurted out.

"Don't be yellin at me like dat Mikaela," August began as I tried to calm down

"I was bout ta leave when the security called da house sayin thea was a visitor to me. I ain't know it was ya pops so I went over ta check out who it was,"

I stood with my arms folded as he explained.

"He told me he wanted a chance ta speak to ya,"

"And say what?" I interjected

"How am I supposed ta know?" August shrugged and said, " but now is da time ta find out"

I shook my head softly, " I honestly don't want to hear a word he has to say,"

He sucked his teeth," Mikaela he seemed like it was real important...could you at least just hear him out fa a minute?"

I stood in silence thinking about August's request on behalf of my father.

"Imma stay witchu da whole time, " he added as he tried to coax me to agree.

I sighed loudly, " fine. For a minute"

August nodded, " aight. Then let's do this"

He stretched out his hand awaiting me to hold it. I obliged as he lead me out the kitchen towards our living room.

There was a knock on the door before we got there.

"That must be T. I called him and asked him to meet me here since I was worried about you," I explained to August

"Damn. Called in reinforcements too?" He joked as he headed for the front door.

After lettin Big T in and explaining da current situation, he decided ta wait in da foyer while we went ta talk to ha old man.

We found Mikaela's dad looking at a family portrait as we re entered da living room.

Mikaela cleared her throat so he could realise we were back.

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