Chapter 28

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"This jacket is wayyy too fitted. Raise your arm up a bit..."

"Aug..." I heard Noelle clickin' ha fingers in front ma face tryna get ma attention.

"You've been so distracted since we got to this fitting. What's up with you?" She frowned at me befo, elevatin ma arm and gettin on wit ha work.

"Just thinkin bout Kaela and ha pops," I said still lookin into da distance.

"Try this hat on," she said handin me a snapback.

"They're still having a rough time?"

I tried da cap to da back, befo switchin it to da front.
"Ion even know what's up wit 'em. Me and ma mama tried helpin dem ta bond last week, and it seemed ta have been workin' til somethin happened between em,"

"Hmm." Noelle said thoughtfully as she looked at two different pairs of sneakers.

"Sounds complicated. Just allow them some more time. I mean they aren't arguing or anything right?" She raised ha head and asked

I shook mine, "nah"

"Good. Then that's improvement from when he first arrived into your lives."

I thought bout what Noelle had just said, and she was right. Prolly more time was all they really needed....

"Alright. You're done. Get on that stage and show off the masterpiece I have clothed you in," she said dramatically

I smiled while shakin' ma head at ha as I got ready ta go do ma show
"You a fool,"


"Fuck he mean vote for Trump! If I vote for Trump he gon' send Alejandro to Mexico and Ale ain't even from Mexico!" Dawn went on before sucking her teeth lengthily.

I smirked at how heated up she was getting at Fox News on the tv- as with everything of course.

"I dant know why ju insist in watching this television station anyway," Alejandro shook his head in disapproval

"Because she likes arguing carino, even when the people can't hear her," Lonnie who was sitting next to Ale with her hand around his neck spoke up.

Dawn flashed them a look before switching the channel.

"Fine, Imma let yall asses be passive about it. Don't come lookin' for refuge from me when Trump sends the police to deport your ass," she warned Alejandro

He placed his hand on his chest, looking appalled at her words

I chuckled at the two of them.

The phone linked to our neighborhood  security office rang, interrupting us.

"Mikaela speaking," I voiced over the intercom

"Hi, miss Montgomery. This is Oliver." One of the guards said back

"Oh hey Oliver. What's up?" I asked as I listened in

"There's a Delivery from Forever Floral at the front gate for you. Should we have someone bring it up?"

"Oh yea sure," I said a little confused since August was still in Chicago, and wasn't getting back til tomorrow.

"Forever Floral? That expensive ass flower boutique based in New York?" Dawn asked as we heard the doorbell, signalling the delivery.

"I guess so," I shrugged slighty as I got up to get the door.

I opened up the door (as Dawn and Ale peaked over to see) to find the security holding a beautiful bouquet of an assortment of flowers- amid was my favorite...orchids.

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