Chapter 30

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"Nigga would you get back to the game already?" Dawn snapped, interruptin' me.

I looked over at ha, "you sure are mighty impatient fa this ass whoopin' "

"You sho are mi-nigga! Get that ball before you get these hands," Dawn semi mocked me befo kissing her teeth.

We were in this game of tag football, and ma team was beatin' hers....hence ha irritation.

"Alright team NOLA! Let's finish em off!" Kaela clapped, hypin us up befo takin her stance in front of me

"Hmm. Views...even if it ain't from da six," I looked at her ass as she bent over right in front of me.

"Baby, focus," she chuckled and said.

I looked back at Sneak and Trav, givin dem a head nod.

"I gotchu babeh," I reassured Mikaela as we took our formation.

"Sherwoods from da hood! We GOT this!" Dawn stated, as Lonnie, Alejandro and Jermaine hooted.

Cha who was on da sidelines blew da whistle as Mikaela passed da ball ta me and I began ma run.

"You finna die today!" Dawn yelled as she made a run straight at me.

But Brie intercepted ha just befo' she made it to a nigga.

"Aunty Dawn can I play?!" She jumped in front of ha, cuttin' Dawn off

"Brie!" She whined as she was forced ta halt in ha tracks.

I tossed da ball to Sneak as he spun passed Lonnie, befo passing to Big T.

T barreled down da yard as Alejandro gasped when he saw him comin', diving out his way in da nick of time.

T made it to da end zone, handin Abrianna da ball.

"Here you go GodBaby," he said as she finished off our play by scorin da touchdown.

"Good job baby!" Mikaela said ta Brie as we ran up towards ha celebratin' our win.

"Gimme kiss," I told ha as she puckered up ha lips and placed one on ma lips.

"Another one," I said as she obeyed

"Another one," I said quickly causin ha to giggle

"You sound like uncka Kalid daddy!" She laughed as I smiled up at ha.

"Yall must be da greenbay pack a' poor little Brie helpin yall win through illegal plays and shit," Dawn walked off da lawn sayin

"And you! Muchacha!" She began on Alejandro's case.

"I hope yo ass learn how to dive out the way of the po-po like you just did there, when they coming for your undocumented ass,"

"No chill havin ass," Sneak shook his head at ha

"Nigga mute!" She hissed back at Sneak, signalin' him to shut it with ha hand.

We all shook our heads and laughed since Dawn goin off was hilarious as fuck.

"I take it you all won?" My dad came around the corner smiling, as he gave Dawn a second look.

"Dey teachin' your granddaughter how to cheat, that's what!" She yelled back in reply, as she continued to walk out.

"Mr Monty, we was hoping you'd be home in time to help us with the game," Big T spoke up.

"I ended up working an extra shift, someone called in sick," he explained

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