Chapter 3

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I looked over at the woman who had just called my name. She was a petite girl who seemed to be mixed, dressed in a business suit and holding this file folder under her arm.

Being with August I had gotten used to seeing the paparazzi, but she didn't look anything like them.

I was still straight faced and frowned at her, but decided to answer her. "Yes I am, who's asking?"

The woman gave me a small sigh before pulling out the file folder and sticking it out to me.

"You've been served," she said as she gently pushed it onto my hand.

My frown deepened as I looked from her to the folder.

"Wait a minute. Served?! For what?" I said confused as fuck, but she had already turned her back, walking towards an awaiting car with a man inside.

I looked back at the folder before I opened the first page.

"Oh my God..." I said as I read the first few lines at the top.


I sat back in da driver's seat growin' more and more impatient. Mikaela been gone fa some time na' and she knew a nigga hated ta wait.

"Daddy is mommy loss?" Brie asked from her car seat

I looked at her from da rear view mirror. "No babeh, why'd ya think she got lost?"

"Cuz aunty Dawn said aunty Alandro got loss coming to get me from her store," Brie explained ta me.

"Number 1. Alejandro ain't ya aunty. And number 2. He prolly saw da police so had no choice but ta take another route," I told Brie.

Alejandro was Dawn's gay not ta mention illegal alien business partner, he managed her store down in Miami but always came ta da A since Dawn opened another store hea' as well. Brie insisted dat that nigga was her "aunty" though....

"Mommy you no get apple sauce?" Brie said as I snapped out ma train of thought and noticed Mikaela enterin' da vehicle.

I raised an eyebrow at her as she sat next ta me. She was empty handed...apart fa some folder in her hand.

"What took ya so long? And what's dat?" I asked as I noticed she looked a lil flustered.

"Aug," she said as she gave me da folder.

I opened up da folder and read:


"Her family suing you???" I said gettin pissed off after reading da title.

"Babe, I didn't even know Helena died." She said a  little frantically.

Our eyes met but quickly turned ta look at Brie. Her eyes were wide opened as she glanced back at us.

"Maybe we shouldn't discuss this in front of her. I think she's realising something is wrong," Mikaela whispered ta me

I nodded. "Aight let's get home,"

"Ya ready ta go home babeh?" I tried ta lighten da tension in da air

She gave me a small smile and nodded.
Mikaela smiled back at her, tryna reassure her dat everything was aight.


After getting home, Brie went on to play with her leapfrog tablet giving August and I some time to talk about the lawsuit.

I sat on the kitchen counter as he read some more.

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