Chapter 16

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I briefly looked down at da brakes as I pushed down on em again, but thea was da same effect- absolutely nothin.

"You gotta be fuckin playin'" I said to ma self as I floored dat muufucker repeatedly. It still ain't slow down da vehicle far less stop it.

I looked up at da approachin red light whea' a grey Chevy awaited as trucks and cars speeded thru da intersection.

I then realised I had 2 options: hit da Chevy or swerve passed it and into da busy road.

"Fuck it," I muttered as I gripped down on da steering wheel and prepared ma self fa impact- since dat shit was just bout inevitable in any scenario.

"Shiiiddd!" I said loudly as it happened.....


"Cynthia could you ask them to move these two sofas to the vip room? " I asked my assistant here in New York as I surveyed the club.

She nodded in response as I made my way to the lounge area to check that the complimentary bottles were delivered already.

"Good morning Ms Montgomery," the receptionist to the building greeted me.

"Hi Chloe, did the Moet for Club B Live arrive as yet?" I asked

"Let me double check," she gave me a smile before starting to type something into her computer.

I clasped my hands and rested on the counter, looking up at the flat screen behind her as I awaited.

"Meek need to shut it," I mumbled to myself as a celeb gossip show came on talking about his twitter rants vs Aubrey.

"This now coming in! " the host with blue hair came on the screen saying

Alledgedly singer August Alsina was involved in a traffic accident in Hotlanta today! No reports yet if he was under the influence of anything but "The Rumor Report" will keep you posted!

I frowned as soon as I heard August's name, thinking it couldn't be true since August would've called me.

Unless if he's hurt Mikaela! I thought to myself.

I felt the panic setting in as I digged in my pocket for my phone, frantic to call August.

No sooner than I got it out, his named flashed across the screen as he called me

I signaled to the receptionist I'd be back in one minute as I stepped away and answered

Me: babe is everything alright?? I just saw something about you being involved in an car accident?

August: *sighed* uh yeah, ma brakes gave way on da range.

My eyes shot open at his words. "Whattt? Oh my god, are you alright? Are you injured?"

August: just a couple a bruises ma, nothin' ta be worried about. I woulda called you sooner but da police were questionin' me and da other driver I hit.

"You hit someone??" I said trying to grasp everything he was saying

"Yeah. It was either dat or drive passed da red light into dis busy ass lane" he explained.

I placed my hand on my forehead not believing this.

"Are they gonna take you back to the station? I could call Dawn to have Alejandro get Brie if so,"

"Nah its coo ma. They took my statement and I'm actually just leavin da hospital na'....had to get checked up ta be sure sat everything was straight- so Imma pick her up" he said as I heard him most likely exit the hospital doors, since the street noise was now audible.

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