Chapter 23

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A few days later

"I was thinking we should move the food over to the right. That way it doesn't obstruct the fire escape," I pointed to the design I had jotted down for J.Cole's party.

"Yeah, we don't want the police to shut us down....especially when it's for my momma," he agreed to my plan

I was in North Carolina organizing a birthday party he was throwing for his mother.

"Okay, and you can give your award worthy speech up here," I continued explaining

"Sounds good to me," he nodded

"Alright so my workers are gonna come through in about an hour to start setting up. I'll do a walk through when they're done to be sure everything is up to par,"

"Aight. Thanks again," he said as he opened his arms to give me a hug

"Anytime Jermaine," I said back, before we both had to leave.

I was happy to do this party for Jermaine, since I got to come home and see my mom and sister Tammy.

I smiled as the taxi pulled up to my mom's house.


"Aunty Mikaelaaaa!" My nephew Kieron ran up to me shouting.

I laughed as I leaned over to hug and kiss him, "heyyy ki. How's my little big man doing?"

"Good aunty. Is Brie Brie with you?" He asked looking around me for his baby cousin

I smiled, " no baby. Abrianna wanted to stay home with her father this trip," i told him.

Truth is I didn't think August was the only reason she wanted to remain in Atlanta at the house- my dad had something to do with it too.

"Oh ok. Momma and Trev are on the patio, " he told me before picking up his basketball that was on the floor nearby.

I made my way through the house, to find my sister and my other nephew where Kieron had said.

"Heyy buddy," I leaned over to Trevor and gave him a hug.

"Aye aunty," he said as he continued playing his game on the iPad he was holding.

"Good thing you're here. Hold this for me please?" Tammy gave me a tray of watermelon; as she fixed the table cloth under the jug of ice tea that was sitting on it.

"Where's mom?" I asked her as she gave me an air cheek kiss.

"Fixing up lunch, like always. You done working for today?" Tammy asked as we both pulled out the patio chairs and sat.

"90%..." I told her as I picked up a chilly slice of watermelon and began munching on it.

"Hey baby," my mom came to the sliding door with a tray of food.

I stood up and hugged her quickly before setting down the food

"Kie! Grab the napkins and come out here please?" She called back into the house to my younger nephew.

We gathered and ate, conversing as we lounged after our meal.

"Alright I should get started cleaning up the kitchen. Trev and Kie...yall two on dish duty," Tammy called the boys who were arguing about a football game over.

"Momma it's Kieron's turn though," Trevor whined as he placed the iPad down

"Nah, uh uh uh. I don't wanna hear it," she cautioned him, as they followed her inside.

"So honey, how have things been at home?" My mom asked and I instantly knew she was talking about my father.

I tucked in my lips for a few seconds before sighing deeply.

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