Chapter 19

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Okay so guys, if you didn't know I'm currently dealing with the after effects that Tropical Storm Erika did on the island that I live on.

The first floor of our house was flooded but thank God that was all. I've seen homes completely buried under mud, and a lot of people lost their lives. So I'm definitely thankful.

Not to mention my town only got back running water today (we didn't have since last Thursday when the storm hit)

So just wanted to tell yall to always be thankful for the little things in life, and don't take anyone for granted.

The country is still in a critical state and I honestly don't know when things will get back to normal. (We had to access a village on a little fishing boat on the weekend in order to bring people drinking water and clothes since they lost everything)

If my updates come in slower than usual, just bare in mind it's because I'm trying my best to deal with everything going on here.


Now, onto this story.......



I strolled down our long ass staircase in search of Mikaela. I had just put Brie ta sleep, and ma next order of business was ta tell her what I overheard her pops talkin' bout on da phone last night.

Shiid. It might have been nothing honestly, and though I believed in givin' people da benefit of da doubt, I felt like I was on ma Ms.Clavel shit from Madeleine- somethin' was not right.

"Aye Man T," I called to Terrance as I finally got ta da bottom.

"Yo Yung," he said turnin around and walkin' in my direction. "Ma Godbaby sleep?"

I nodded ma head, as I ran ma hand over ma face.

"You good goon?" He asked, prolly sensing my anxiety.

Although I wanted ta talk to hun about it, I decided it was best ta speak wit Kaela first- seein it was her father and alladat.

"Yeah man, I'm coo. Whea Mikaela at doe?" I responded, looking out da french doors that were still open.

"She still outside with da po-po," he pointed in thea direction.

"Aight," I said before heading to whea he instructed me.

"Uhh, my boyfriend won't be home tomorrow at that time but I will," I heard her tellin an officer. Who nodded and wrote somethin' down on a notepad.

She saw me comin and stepped towards where I was now standin'.

"Are you good babe? You look a little flustered," she said as she pressed da back of ha hand on ma forehead checking ma temperature.

I furrowed ma brows at her. "Flustered? Shit sounds like somethin' chickens would do wit they wings"

She smiled at me and shook her head slightly.

"You're too much. But you do look like something's on your mind," she focused on my facial features again; observing me.

"Actually..." I began but paused when something else caught ma attention.

I saw Mr Montgomery makin his way up from da poolhouse wit a couple of books and clothing in his hands. He was headin' towards da south exit gate too.

"....whea ya pops off to?" I diverted ma train of thought.

She looked over ha shoulder at whea I was gazing befo facing me again.

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