Chapter 26

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"Where's paw pawwww?!" Brie cried some more as I placed the bagels into the toaster.

"Princess, paw paw had to go away. I'm sorry he's not here"

"But. I. Want. Paw pawwww," she sniffled in between words.

She continued to wail for her grandfather, as she began walking down the hallway that lead to his living space.

"Brie honey," I began saying as August eyed me before shaking his head.

"Brie babeh," I heard him call to her as he followed after her.

I let out a deep breath as I placed the spatula onto the counter top.

These last few days had gotten worse. Abrianna would constantly be crying for him whenever we were home, and it was frustrating to say the least.

I placed a hand on my forehead, closing my eyes hoping that Brie would calm down sooner rather than later.


That night

"So he's staying at a motel?" I asked August as I rolled back our comforter.

"Yeah..." he simply stated before getting in

I could sense he was mad at me but I really didn't feel like getting into an argument with him.

"Ok...." I said softly as I sat on the edge of our bed, fluffing my pillow.

"What time's your flight tomorrow again?" I asked


"And you're sure you'll be back here before Sunday morning?" I asked again since Sunday was father's day.

He sighed, placing an arm over his eyes, " I said I would didn't I"

I turned and looked at him in the dark.

"What's with the attitude?"

"Ain't no attitude. Go ta sleep Mikaela." He said dryly

I sat up, leaning on my elbows. "Oh I'm sorry. I must be imagining it," I said sarcastically

"And I'm sorry. Since I ain't always imaginin' Abrianna's cryin...." he snapped back.

"What do you want me to do August? I can't force her to stop you know," I opened my palms out still in the dark.

August sucked his teeth, " I ain't got time ta be playin' games witchu Mikaela . G'night, " he shut down our conversation, and turned his body away from me.

I shook my head before laying back down, and doing the same.

Sunday Morning

I pulled up to da house after doin 2 shows wit Chris back ta back. A nigga was exhausted and sighed knowin' Brie was still unhappy bout not seein' ha grandpops.

As I hit da button on da Keychain ta lift da garage do' ....a nigga couldn't help but smile.

"Appy Father Day Daddyyy!!!" Brie yelled at da top of ha lil voice.

She and Mikaela were sittin on da hood of a brand new Mercedes Benz G-wagon.

My smile widened as I got out da car and walked up to dem.

"Surprise," Kaela said softly ta me as she too smiled.

"Daddy you like it?" Abrianna asked me hopefully

"Like it? I luhhh it babygirl," I told ha as I placed a kiss on her cheek, then pulled Mikaela's head closer so dat her forehead was restin' on mine

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