Chapter 15

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"Daddy your hair," Brie laughed heartily at this bun Kyanne had done for August.

"Look like yours, don't it?" He said back to her, as she still laughed at him from the floor.

"You look like Ms Wag," she responded

"Ms Who?" Aug asked.

"Ms Wang, Vera Wang babe," I explained to August.

"Ya mean I look chinese?" He made a crazy face at Brie who giggled at him

"Well you know what dey say..."  August shrugged, as Brie looked on and awaited him to continue

"Chinese females moan like, shrimp fried rice! Chicken - pasta, shrimp fried rice!" He began singing and drumming on the floor next to Abrianna. She laughed so hard at him, rolling on the carpet while she did.

After catching her breath she turned her attention to me.

"Mommy can you pent my toes?" She asked as she saw the new nail polish color I had on mine.

"Not right now baby, Mommy's busy" I said as I continued typing my email.

"Pease mommy peaseeee," she pleaded.

"Brie brie....later okay" I replied whilst still trying to write the email.

"Imma do it for ya babeh," August said as he stood up from where they both sat, " whea da polish at?"

I turned my head to the side to look at him, wondering if he was playing.

"In mommy closet!" Brie told him as she sprang up to her feet, excited that she was gonna get her wish.

"You're serious?" I furrowed my brows and asked.

"Yeah, you busy witcho lil laptop, so Imma hook ma babygirl up...ain't dat right Brie babeh?" He turned to her and asked.

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright....all my pedi stuff are in the third drawer from my jewelry box," I instructed him before they left me alone in the family room.

A few minutes later, there was a voice at the door.

"I knew that nigga was lying when he said you weren't home. Looking like he came straight outta Mulan with that hairdo" Dawn waltzed in kissing her teeth, and saying.

"Hey D, " I said not really paying attention.

"Hey to you too. What you doing on there anyways?" She said as she plopped down near to me.

"I'm just sending this email to my father's old psych home. I called them to get info but I need to send them evidence that I'm a legitimate family member before they can release his files," I explained to Dawn as she looked on

"Hmm. Well I just came here to see what the nigga looks like. I ain't ever seen a born again sane person before," she said to me.

I rolled my eyes a little at her.

"He isn't here. he's actually staying at the poolhouse." I said as I finally concluded my email and attached my birth certificate that I had scanned as proof to the asylum.

"Don't yall got cameras there? I mean you did say you saw yalls old gardener using there as his love nest,"
I chuckled at the thought. "Yeah...only in the main living areas though," I said as I logged in to our security system.

I pulled up the poolhouse live feeds and saw that he was in the kitchen; zooming into that camera frame so Dawn could get a better look.

"Gah damnnnn. That's your old man Miky??" Dawn said as she leaned back a bit at his sight

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