Chapter 12

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One Week Later

I got in from my office downtown about 9 pm that night.

"Hey babe," I said as I strolled out to our bedroom balcony, where August was smoking.

"Aye ma," he said as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss.

"Brie asleep?" I asked before he nodded.

"How was work?" He said as he pulled me towards the lounge chair where he was sitting.

"It was hectic as usual but good. I finally finished that after party for Fetty," I said as he sat me on his laps.

"Good, cause a nigga been waitin on ya" he said as he finished his blunt.

I raised an eyebrow as I placed an arm around his neck, " really? You missed me?"

"Why you askin questions ya already know da answer to? " He said with a smile, as I chuckled.

"What time's your flight tomorrow?" I asked as I bent down to take off my heels.

August had a show in Alabama tomorrow so would be gone til the day after.

"10 am...and why ya takin these off?" He replied as he gripped my lower arm stopping me from taking off my Tom fords.

I straightened up as I looked at him suspiciously, " is there a reason I shouldn't?"

"Yea...cause I wanna fuck you with em on" he said as he shifted a little under me, bringing me to feel the big ass poke from Mr Classy.

He looked into my eyes then down at my lips before licking his and going in for a kiss.

That kiss lead into a full blown make out session as he gripped one of my legs and swung it to the other side, so that I was basically straddling him on the chair.

My heart beat sped up as I softly moaned as August kissed down my neck, unbuttoning my shirt and kissing the inside of my breasts.

He popped them out of my bra, as he took his fingers to my nipples causing me to heave at his rough but arousing touch.

He stared up at me while I breathed heavily in and out.

"Ya like dat don't ya?" He said lowly but all I could do was nod in response.

"Let me feel dat ass," he said as he simultaneously picked me up and stood up, gripping me by my ass cheeks.

He sat me on the edge of the balcony, as I felt the chilly night air rush over my exposed chest.

"Now...keep ya balance. I don't want yo pretty ass ta fall, I can't be a single parent" he warned.

"Wait. We're staying out here?" I asked him as I held onto his shoulders as I sat on the edge.

"Bet," was all he said as his hands moved down my waist to the top of my pencil skirt.
His fingers brushed passed it lightly, before he pulled it all the way down and off.

I sat there in my panty as August's finger teased me through them

"Got dat pussy drownin in its own self I see," he looked up at me and said menacingly. He brought out that full fledged Nola accent when he was horny which absolutely did it for me.

"Na' remember....balance dat ass babeh" he said. I had no time to even say a word before he went down on me.

My heels braced against the balcony wall as August's tongue circled and flailed around my clit. My arms automatically sunk into his hair, gripping onto his small plaits for dear life.

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