Chapter 48

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I clicked the rewind key once again as I focused in on da video tape Sneak had got from da traffic camera.

I leaned in, pressin forward as I watched da nigga step back frm da car after smashin in da window.

Thea wasn't much ta see but you could tell it was a light skinned muufucker fa sure. Average height and wit a slight limp as far as I could tell.

"Daddy," I paused da video quickly as I looked back ta see Brie strollin' towards me holdin onto ha Eddy.

"Aye Brie Babeh," I said back ta ha, opening up ma arms so she could join me.

"Had a good lunch?" I asked as she cuddled up ta me.

She nodded as she got comfortable laying in my laps, and laid ha head in da nook of ma arm.

"So you just gon make me yo bed huh," I smiled at ha as I placed a kiss on ha forehead.

A minute later Kaela came into da room.

"Oh. Just making sure she came to you like she said she was gonna do. Is she sleeping?" Miky asked now noticin' da lightweight laying cross me.

"Yea...whatchu feed ha fa lunch? Lil mama actin like Dawn lazy ass afta she eat," I said causin Mikaela ta chuckle.

"I think it's these sessions. Got her tired lately. I mean what 2 year old likes sitting being questioned for long periods." Mikaela said back.

"Well as much as we all tryna find da kidnapper, I'm gon have ta tell Doc Janet ta take it easy on ma babeh" I said as I looked down at babygirl's sleepin face.

"Babe did you notice this?" Mikaela said. I looked up and followed ha stare to ma computer screen.

"Here," she leaned in closer and pointed at da screen. There's something shiny right there,"

I looked closer and noticed a glint of light right whea da reflective vest he had on ended on his chest.

"What is that?" She asked as narrowed ha eyes at it.

"Ion know....could be a design on his shirt or a chain he wearin'...I ain't seen it cause the shine disappears real quick while ds video is playin. Good eyes babeh," I tap ha waist and said.

"If we could see exactly what it is..." Mikaela said more to ha'self.

"Aug do you think Frankie and his people might be able to zoom in and clear up this image maybe?" Mikaela said, deep in thought.

I looked up at ha. "He just might actually. At ma album photoshoot he told me bout this new technology he'd been investin' in."

Frankie was our friend and photographer who we'd gone through da whole Helena shit with.

"Let me get ma phone," she said as she quickly spun round ta call up Frankie.


"Shiid. I might have to start my own cooking show. Call it Cooking with Corleona" Dawn said as she scrolled through the latest Shaderoom drama.

"Corleona? Who's that?" I asked with a frown

"Dawn is that your middle name?" Noelle who had got back from Germany 2 days ago asked.

"Hell no. I ain't got no middle name," Dawn shook her head repeatedly then said.

"Miky you're her best friend. Is she telling the truth?" Noelle awaited my answer.

"Come to think of it. I vaguely remember one time in elementary school your paper had a C right next to your last name which you tried to convince me was your actual grade," I placed my hands on my side drawing my own conclusion.

"So wait a minute...your full name is Dawn Corleona Sherwood?" As soon as Noe got the words out we both busted out laughing.

Dawn glared at us, but couldn't hide it any longer.

"My dad was obsessed with the gahdamn movie The Godfather. Thought I was a boy so when I was born improvised the Don to Dawn..." She explained before kissing her teeth.

"And you had me thinking you were the only one in your family without a ghetto ass name," I was on the verge of tears from laughing so hard.

She rolled her eyes at the both of us, " shit ain't even that funny. And you better not mention shit to August"

"Oop. I don't want to be on your mafia hit list," I joked causing Noelle to crack up even further.

"Would you just get whatever the hell It is we came in here for?" Dawn snapped at me.

"Damn these Italians have no chill," I took one last jab at her before refocusing.

I'd come to this tech store to get Frankie this piece of equipment that was needed to get a clearer image of the video. Luckily he was already flying in to Atlanta when Aug and I called him earlier, but he'd left whatever I was looking for at his place in Boston.

So I'd went out and bought him one just to save us some time.

"There it is," I said as I looked at the name on the paper I'd written down to confirm the equipment on display in front of me.

"What's this anyway?" Noe asked as she picked it up and handed it to me.

I looked over my shoulder before explaining to her and D.

"August and I are kinda doing our own investigation into Brie's kidnapper. This thing just might help us decipher a clue," I told them.

"Bout time. Da popo don't be solving shit around here," Dawn folded her arms and stated.

"I hate to admit It but D.C is right. 90% of their cases turn into cold ones." Noelle added

"Yeah well, this one wont. That piece of shit that took Brie gon learn soon enough." I tightened my grip around the device and said...

That night

"Aight man Frankie. Hit us up soon as you done," August ended his call with Frank as I took a small sigh of relief.

"He said it gon take some hours but ds image enhancement be done by tomorrow," August sat on da edge of our bed and said.

I got on and crawled over to his side. Placing my hands on his shoulder, gently massaging them.

"Dat feel good as fuck right na'" He said as he moved his neck around.

"As fuck?" I questioned as I placed a kiss on his right shoulder.

"Ooo. What dat for?" I could see him smile as he spoke.

"For letting me in. Like really," I paused for a second and looked into his eyes saying.

He looked back at me, before turning towards me. He swiftly laid me on the bed at he leaned up on his elbow over me.

I felt his lips meet mine, as he kissed me softly.

"Mmm. And what was that for?" I asked him.

"That was fa yo brilliant ass spottin' shit I ain't see, thinkin' of contactin Frankie and goin as far as gettin what he needed"

I smiled up at him, "Baby you were occupied with Brie. It was nothin' "

He shook his head, " nah. Honestly, you been da brains of dis operation. No wonder our daughter's a genius" he smirked

"We're a team." I stressed on the word as I took his hand in mine.

His fingers laced wit mine, " we sho' fuckin are"

As he leaned down to my lips, kissing me deeply......


Dawn's middle name tho? Lmao

And they saw something on the tape. Will Frankie be able to pinpoint what exactly it was??

Is teamwork between Miky and Aug really about to make the dream work??

Hope yall paying attention to any and every little clue, it'll all add up.

This chapter was all Miky's blue's clues sherlock Holmes havin ass we gon' let her be great (in the mm lol)

Vote and comment of course

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