Chapter 29

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"Dr Sidwell," I said as the phone stopped ringing and I heard her voice

"Mikaela. How are you?" She said recognizing my voice.

"Uhh, good overall. Listen, do you have a minute? There's something I wanted to talk to you about." I asked as I walked over to my home office

"Absolutely. What is it?" She asked with a linger of concern in her voice.

She must've been wondering why I'd called since I never did unless I really needed her expertise.

"So earlier. August and Abrianna were together- kinda bonding, and amidst that my thoughts ran away with me," I began explaining as I shut the door behind me.

"Alright...what came to mind?" She asked calmly.

"I'm not sure since it was kinda vague and foggy, but it might have been a memory of a time when me and my dad were in a really good place...from my childhood." I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear as I looked out the window.

"Go on," Dr Sid said, fully attentive

"I think I remembered this time before Christmas when we were drinking tea and joking around with each other- kinda bonding like what August and Brie were doing. But I'm not sure if my mind kinda made it up? Since I just saw the two of them in a similar situation," I thought hard about it all.

"Could you see details? As in your surroundings...things that were there from what you remember of your childhood? Or were you in a blank space?" She questioned

I bit my bottom lip and thought. "I can see our entire living room, like it was. There was a clock on the mantelpiece that my brother Aiden broke some time after while playing with our cousin,"

"The fact that you're memory showcases such detail means that it is a genuine memory my dear," she said with a smile in her voice.

I furrowed my brows still thinking " but why did it take so long for it to all of a sudden just come back to me? It's kinda odd don't you think?"

"People who suffered traumatic experiences in there childhood tend to surpress any memories or life experiences prior to the trauma. It's like your brain blocked out a lot of your childhood since it all leads to that one heartbreaking moment. I think seeing August and Brie in a father-daughter moment lead your mind to remember such a warm moment from your past. It's a good memory Mikaela and a psychological accomplishment at that, " she was definitely smiling.

A small smile made its way onto my face, since I knew my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

"So is it possible that more of these memories can occur?"

"Definitely. I can't say when or how, but I think the more time you spend with your father the clearer all the good times will become- which would be simply amazing for you," she finished

"Hmm," I muttered in thought at her words.

"Thank you Dr Sid. I know you're probably busy, so I'll leave you to it,"

"I am busy but you know I always have time whenever you need me." She replied

"Thanks again. Bye," I said as we ended our phone call.

I stood there replaying the memory in my was so refreshing to remember some part in my life that had nothing to do with the fire.

I took a deep breath before exiting the room.....


" promo tour is comin up in da next 2 months," I said as Mikaela placed ma plate of food on da table in front of me

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