Chapter 2

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I woke up that Saturday morning and shifted in my bed, when I realised there was no August beside me.

I shot up in a panic, wondering if i had dreamt him coming home last night, but the pain that went through my thighs confirmed he did alright.

I eased back down as I thought back on all the things he did to me last night. A wave of euphoria tingled over my body as I lay there smiling away.

I spun and looked at the clock on the wall. 8:30 am.

"Brie," I said to myself. As I stood up and put some boy shorts and a tank on.

As I made my way towards the kitchen I heard singing.

Brie: P pop!
P pop!

August: I pray for more better days

Brie: P Pop! P pop!

August: I know that I can feel changeee

As I peaked around the corner I saw Brie sitting on the counter bobbing her head along with August, who was mixing up some pancake batter.

"Encore!" I said and clapped as they took notice of me standing there.

"Mornin mommy!" Brie said as I came over and kissed her.

"Good morning love," I said back to her

I came over as August puckered up his lips awaiting a kiss from me. I obliged.

"Thought I'd make us some breakfast....seein as you was so worn out from past night," he said winking at me

I smirked, " thank you babe," I said grabbing a strip of bacon from the plate nearby.


I placed Mikaela's plate in front of her on da dining table as I pulled Brie up onto ma lap.

"Hold on Babeh, let me cut this bih up for ya," I told her grabbin her plate wit her blueberry pancake and cuttin it into smaller pieces fa her.

"Language Aug," Mikaela said to me

"I ain't even say da word" I replied back

Brie went all in as soon as a nigga was done, as I pulled ma plate to da side to eat along too.

"Ya aint got ta work today I hope," I said to Mikaela lookin up from ma plate.

She shook her head wit a smile, " nope. In fact, I took next week you got me all to yourself- well apart from Brie"

I smiled back. "Ion mind sharing wit ma babygirl. Do you mind?"

Brie shook her head as she offered me up a piece of her pancake.

I chuckled and opened ma mouth, lettin her feed me.

"Daddy's a bomb chef ain't i?"

"Bomb Dat Com" Abrianna replied, as me and Mikaela busted out laughin'

"You teach that little girl too much," she finally said as we finished up our meal.


I was washing up the dishes, while August gave Abrianna a bath when I heard the doorbell sound.

"Greetings Beyatch," Dawn said as I opened up to her

"What's up D. And good morning Q!" I said as I stretched out my arms to my little nephew.

Q was Dawn's 6 month old son. He opened up his arms allowing me to hold him.

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