Chapter 44

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"What kind of food did you eat? Did you get lots of candy or veggies?" The forensic psychologist, Janet probed Brie.

She thought bout da question fa a few seconds then answered, "I tols Secret I like samiches. So they gaves me PB and J"


She nodded, " and spahetti for dinner...mommy's spahetti is better but I not tols Secret cause it would make em feel bad"

"That's very sweet of you Abrianna," the psychologist commended ha'

"I'm done with my penting," Brie announced as she put down ha crayons.

Da psychologist had suggested she colour anything that reminded ha of ha kidnapper just ta see if we could pull any detail from dat.

She looked over ta me as I made ma way towards em.

"Can I play with Paxi now daddy?" Brie asked

"Yeah babeh. Pax!" I called out as da lil guy came scramblin' into da room at ma voice.

He wagged his tail as he stood on his hind legs, as Brie took his front paws and hugged him.

"Anything noteworthy? " I said to da psychologist as I focused down on Brie's drawing.

"Brown eyes, that's about it...everything else is red yellow and black random scribbles,"

"Must've been some clothes or shit dey were wearin'" I commented.

"I'm not even sure if the eye color is correct, since you said she was still learning them," she said with a little sigh

"Yeah...and even wit dat. It could be anybody wit Brown eyes or even contacts," I thought bout it.

"Our times done for today, our next session is in 3 days. I'll be bringing in some photos of masks like what she described to me earlier. Hopefully if she i.d's one, we can check purchase records in the city before she was taken and find something."

I nodded doe I knew dat was a long shot.

"Daddy! Look at Paxi!" Brie caught my attention, as our puppy began chasing his tail fa a minute.


"How's things at home?" Noelle asked me as I faced time with her and Chandra.

"It's been different," I said for a lack of a better word, " but Brie is doing good."

"Good...and you and Yung?" Chandra asked further, though I didn't really want to get into that topic.

I sighed softly, " we're just...taking it one day at a time I guess "

" that means things have hardly changed," Noelle replied.

"No one can blame you though. Just keep doing that...and with time, you'll know what to do" she gave some words of encouragement.

"Thanks Noe,"

"Ain't it like midnight on your side??" Chandra asked.

Noelle had gone to Germany, since her grandmother who had raised her was very sick, and getting worse.

"Yeah. I just wanted to check in with all of you back home." She said rubbing her temples.

"We appreciate it but i know you been stretched thin taking care of your grandma lately. You should go get some rest though," I told her seeing the bags under her eyes.

"Alright Alright. Tell Aug that the people from Armani called, but I told them no can do til next month would you?" She asked

I narrowed my eyes a little at her, " you ain't slick"

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